shiny things in messy little piles

Tag: cut paper (Page 2 of 3)

Morning Linkage (Nov 8)


Mooneyes, Yoko­hama Cus­tom Show. Yeah — none of us are gonna be there but this getting-ready video gives a nice overview of cus­tom bike and rod builders in the US at the moment. “Demo reel” for this year and last year. Nice video — nasty music.

Much more fun can be had on the Mooneyes web­site. The loud, crowd­ed feel of a 60’s hot rod mag­a­zine in a brows­er. And they sell dog toys? (Hid­den Diaz bonus: pho­tos from a VW Type 2 par­ty in Sept.)

A lit­tle clas­sic Ducati to get your moto week off to a good start.

Food and Science

Truf­fles, black truf­fles not the choco­late kind, have com­pli­cat­ed sex lives. And same-sex dorms.

The sweet irony of find­ing dinosaur fos­sils in church mar­ble is too hard to pass up. And the bonus of the rec­om­men­da­tions for a cou­ple of cool urban geol­o­gy books makes this a must-link for a Monday.

Art, Images, and Design

Explo­sions of organ­ic shapes and col­or. Many lay­ered cut paper cre­ations of Simone Louren­co. Much, much more in the port­fo­lio.

Appar­ent­ly I am hope­less­ly out of date. Not only can’t iden­ti­fy most of the musi­cians asso­ci­at­ed with these clothes when I looked up the answers I did­n’t know who a good hand­ful of them were. Can you do bet­ter? Ensem­ble: The Style of Music, 20 musi­cians iden­ti­fied by their clothing.

More images from music. This essay on Elvis Pres­ley fea­tures some of the best rock and roll pho­tog­ra­phy. Black and whites from the 50’s and 60’s.

We make our cities in our own images. And when we make films we make new cities to express our new vision. A look at a hand­ful of icon­ic cin­e­ma cities going back to 1927 (Metrop­o­lis.)

alright my dears, let’s make this week just a smidgen bet­ter than last week shall we?

Morning Linkage (Jun 14)

Bikes and Swap Meets.

From the mid­dle of nowhere France, Mike Wern­er reports on the week­end mar­ket at Cany-Barville. Indoor and out­door dis­play space, piles of junk, and one very cute beach scene. You won’t rec­og­nize a lot of the vehi­cles but it does­n’t mat­ter. These lit­tle trea­sures are fine. Can any­one iden­ti­fy the red and black bike in the 3rd and 4th pictures?

So while I was look­ing for some­thing that would help to ID a cou­ple of the items in the pre­vi­ous gallery I came across this report from the 2007 Her­shey, PA swap meet. And now I want a Sim­plex Ser­vi­cy­cle, 6th pho­to down. Or how about a 1952 moped that runs on diesel? 2nd pho­to down.

Infrastructure and Illustrated Cities

And back to for­eign shores. How do you han­dle mov­ing motor traf­fic from a coun­try that dri­ves on the right (Chi­na) to an island that dri­ves on the left (Hong Kong.) Not to men­tion a com­plex set of bor­der cross­ing pro­to­cols. You can attempt to hide the mechan­ics of the process or you cel­e­brate the com­plex­i­ty. NL Archi­tects designed a loop­ing road dot­ted with arti­fi­cial islands and tons of sub­lime. Cau­tion huge wash­es of archi­tec­ture and urban design speak.

Some­what jum­bled — hasty com­pi­la­tion? Tak­ing crime data from the city of San Fran­sis­co and run­ning it through a map and some 3‑D soft­ware gets these topo­graph­ic look­ing maps show­ing crime as a ter­rain of peaks and valleys.

Imaginary Places

I know I’ve seen this work before but I can’t find any evi­dence that I’ve shared it with you all. A 4 year project, A Cas­tle on the Ocean has lights, trains, and all the gin­ger­bread cas­tle bits any princess could want. And a Fer­ris Wheel. Wataru Itou.

Flash put to good use. The world of Syfy chan­nel’s mini-series, Tin­man. BTW Tin­man is now stream­able on Net­flix. Flash — Sound.

Art, Images, and Printers

Take one pho­tog­ra­ph­er — not afraid of water, add some nifty cam­era gear, and a real tal­ent for push­ing post pro­cess­ing to the lim­its and you get this set of pho­tographs from Clark Lit­tle’s new book “The Shore­break Art of Clark Little”

Ignore the art school speak and just look. Espe­cial­ly study the work­ing draw­ings and pro­to­type videos. Joon Y. Moon has cre­at­ed an world of light and shad­ow that moves, grows, and goes qui­es­cent as the user manip­u­lates blocks on a surface.

Hard work­ing Lego peo­ple. Or what you always want­ed to tell your kids was going on inside the print­er.

Morning Linkage (Jun 10)


We all know that the Gold­wing is the most capa­ble race machine out there. Right?

But, it’s been done before. More con­vinc­ing­ly. (Pho­tos and sto­ry cour­tesy of Phil Kopp.)

Go here. Choose your favorite style of bicy­cle. The Pla­to — town­ie. The Aris­to­tle — free or fixed. Or the slight­ly more cool Aris­tolte CRMO. Click “build” and start cus­tomiz­ing your col­or­ful new toy. Addic­tive and harm­less fun.

I have no idea what this site is actu­al­ly about but the sweet blue 750 wait­ing patient­ly for bet­ter weath­er is dear.


Does this belong in Food or Design? A math­e­mat­i­cal­ly per­fect set of knives.

Art, Images, and Design

As we go through our day — sit­ting in front of com­put­ers, con­sum­ing text — we rarely see the let­ters and sym­bols for them­selves. They are beau­ti­ful. Look at some of the scripts and writ­ing sys­tems that do not share our famil­iar west­ern let­ter forms and remem­ber that the sym­bols that we use to con­vey mean­ing have a grace all their own.

Sarah Bridg­land is mak­ing found paper con­struc­tions. Lots of very nice ones.  Her Swing­line Sta­ples is par­tic­u­lar­ly pleas­ing to fans of let­ters. (thx tfmktm)

Form Gold­en Age Com­ic Book Sto­ries. The Chil­dren of Odin. Hand cut let­ter­ing and sim­ple block draw­ings. Willy Pogany’s illus­tra­tions would make the finest col­or­ing book.

… it’s always something.

Morning Linkage (Apr 19)


Rid­ing the Tiger Shi­va. Rotax engine, six for­ward gears, fan­cy met­al work, and you can ride it. It’s absolute­ly gorgeous.
Videos: The Tiger Walks (Hor­ri­ble music ) and Rid­ing the Tiger (You can hear the rotax putt-putt)

It’s a trail­er, for a movie, about rid­ing Roy­al Enfields in India. 2 Roues Sinon Rien. (two wheels or noth­ing) Yeah,  it’s in French. Maybe they’ll sub­ti­tle the flic? Do not miss the danc­ing camel.

The title says it all “Vin­cent Lust.” Desk­top wor­thy B&W pho­tos of a nice example.


Science and Technology

Ball bear­ings are every­where. I found a nice­ly illus­trat­ed essay on how they are made. The process is both sim­pler and more com­plex that I had imagined.


Art, Images, and Design

Two bev­er­age pack­ag­ing sets from the win­ners of this year’s Dieline deign competition.

Clever return to a clas­sic image. Coke. Love the soda cup design.

A nice­ly coher­ent brand ID for a win­ery but each pack­age stands on its own as well. Expect maybe the High Roller cab. It’s too min­i­mal for my taste. (Tobac­co Jaqk Cel­lars)

A hand­ful of cov­ers from the Swiss mag­a­zine Graphis. Graphis pub­lished the lat­est in graph­ics and graph­ic design for 60 years (1944–2004)

Paper feath­ers arranged in sin­u­ous shapes. These Kate McGuire sculp­tures sug­gest both flight and captivity.

…and here we are again

Morning Linkage (Apr 9)


A nice over-restoration (I made that word up) of a Hon­da CBX1000. The head­er pipes are rad.

Anoth­er CBX, this time in near orig­i­nal con­di­tion. More pics and details on the bike as you slide right in the viewport.


Pret­ty pho­to­graph and expla­na­tion of The Belt of Venus over the Val­ley of the Moon. Okay, the title is the coolest part but the pic­ture will make you a lit­tle dreamy too.

Art, images, and Design

Here are some shots from the NYC East­er Parade. Ran­dom good­ness. It’s worth a chunk of time to click on  the “Mark Tuck­er” at the top and explore some of his oth­er posts. There are days when his slide into a
brand of slick com­mer­cial por­trai­ture is cloy­ing and oth­ers when it is odd­ly calm­ing. And then there are the moments of genius like these can­did shots from the NYC East­er Day parade. (Tal­ent is often for

Six pos­si­ble cos­tumes for your next big event. Pro­vid­ed you don’t have hay fever. Wee­drobes — Nicole Dex­tras’ ephemer­al cou­ture for sum­mer and prints from the pho­tographs. You’ll like the win­ter Ice­works as well but they aren’t as wearable.

Su Black­well’s ver­sion of the Mad Hat­ter’s Tea Par­ty fea­tures a well cutout Alice look­ing on curi­ous­ly. all of Ms. Black­well’s book sculp­tures are just plain fun.



The music is stan­dard pop, love song, but the video is too ter­ri­bly twee with all of those clever match­box­es. The Nav­i­ga­tors “Din­ner at My Place

And then I found the entire set of match­box­es in one place.

and there you have it — anoth­er per­fect­ly good week wast­ed with…

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