Morning Linkage (Nov 9)

Camel ads with motos, WSDOT’s many pic­tures, Art Deco vehi­cle design done right BMW R7 pro­to­type. Images of the brain, mak­ing an aes­thet­ic virtue of the prac­ti­cal neces­si­ty of wiring your liv­ing space, Nobuyuki Taguchi — black and white on the streets and col­or in the fac­to­ry. Fine autumn light in Belgium

Morning Linkage (Nov 5)

Just a nice pic­ture, Gold Star, race trans­porter from the old days, LEOs on elec­tric bikes. Physics explains: the wet-dog shake and giant pump­kins. Finns Sanna Annukka and Klaus Haapaniemi, Beatus Apocalypse, Black Swan posters, cal­lig­ra­phy in motion. Kandinsky’s Composition VIII ani­mat­ed and Saari — 3 min­utes of pure charming.

Morning Linkage (Oct 7)

Radio Flyer, Hell’s Angels, Deus does Moulin Rouge — oh those forks. BrickCon’s amaz­ing con­struc­tions, and look­ing at the world from the top of a crane. Illustration col­or rela­tion­ships, Jacek Yerka’s liv­ing land­scapes, and a sweet Pippi.

Morning Linkage (Aug 20)

garbage trucks, hooli­gan bikes — old and new — the H1 and a lit­tle KTM. clas­si­cal Greece in not so mono­chro­mat­ic white mar­ble. Minding your man­ners on the train in Japan, new Tintin, lots of maps, and Fan Ho’s unique vision of Hong Kong.