Morning Linkage (Nov 30)

Collector cars of the future, wild­ly cus­tom vans, a cou­ple of Sportsters and the Ner-a-Car. Studying the deep sea with sub­mersibles, and mak­ing sense of Where’s George with some com­pli­cat­ed math. Ants, good pic­tures, very old hand let­ter­ing. Finally a trail­er for a fab Batman cartoon. 

Morning Linkage (Aug 24)

Dreams of the far north, an excel­lent Triumph, inap­pro­pri­ate use of a Red Bull can, Honda C77 Dream, How big is it? SDO shows us the sun’s magen­tic per­son­al­i­ty, the addic­tive prop­er­ties of motor­cy­cling, how much does that G&T cost? Edible crayons and Yeti smiles.

Morning Linkage (Jun 14)

A cou­ple of bike (and car) swap meets, mov­ing traf­fic from China to Hong Kong, crime as ter­rain, A Castle on the Ocean, take a flight through Oz, Clark Little under­wa­ter, and yeah — I could­n’t resist, the Lego plotter/printer.