We all know that the Goldwing is the most capable race machine out there. Right?
But, it’s been done before. More convincingly. (Photos and story courtesy of Phil Kopp.)
Go here. Choose your favorite style of bicycle. The Plato — townie. The Aristotle — free or fixed. Or the slightly more cool Aristolte CRMO. Click “build” and start customizing your colorful new toy. Addictive and harmless fun.
I have no idea what this site is actually about but the sweet blue 750 waiting patiently for better weather is dear.
Does this belong in Food or Design? A mathematically perfect set of knives.
Art, Images, and Design
As we go through our day — sitting in front of computers, consuming text — we rarely see the letters and symbols for themselves. They are beautiful. Look at some of the scripts and writing systems that do not share our familiar western letter forms and remember that the symbols that we use to convey meaning have a grace all their own.
Sarah Bridgland is making found paper constructions. Lots of very nice ones. Her Swingline Staples is particularly pleasing to fans of letters. (thx tfmktm)
Form Golden Age Comic Book Stories. The Children of Odin. Hand cut lettering and simple block drawings. Willy Pogany’s illustrations would make the finest coloring book.
… it’s always something.