Morning Linkage (Aug 4)

Moto Guzzi — per­fect details, two Triumphs, girls on bikes, boys on bikes, sum­mer drinks, anti-lasers, big art on the earth , lit­tle art on the water, under­sea worlds in pas­tels, a per­fect beach photo

Morning Linkage (Jul 6)

If it weighs 800 pounds can it real­ly be a go-cart? Bosozuko cul­ture — cars and bikes, Bernardet side­cars, but­ter­flies and fire flies, sci­ence jobs, Peter Tyalor rolly-pollys, Demund Dulac illus­tra­tions and the adven­tures of a lost bear. Kooky Returns.

Morning Linkage (Jun 14)

A cou­ple of bike (and car) swap meets, mov­ing traf­fic from China to Hong Kong, crime as ter­rain, A Castle on the Ocean, take a flight through Oz, Clark Little under­wa­ter, and yeah — I could­n’t resist, the Lego plotter/printer.