Morning Linkage (Nov 30)

Collector cars of the future, wild­ly cus­tom vans, a cou­ple of Sportsters and the Ner-a-Car. Studying the deep sea with sub­mersibles, and mak­ing sense of Where’s George with some com­pli­cat­ed math. Ants, good pic­tures, very old hand let­ter­ing. Finally a trail­er for a fab Batman cartoon. 

Morning Linkage (Nov 1)

Another vin­tage bob­ber, dirt bikes before there were dirt bikes — a lit­tle CZ, Ducati news and mods. Snow crys­tals and oth­er tiny things. Noise, air­planes, and lousy food. Making doors bet­ter, Cars 2 — can’t wait, a lit­tle robot to build, and some art on the walls of Paris.

Morning Linkage (Jul 5)

Plymouth, Ace pan­head, geo-thermal incu­ba­tion, trans­former dish­ware, insect eye macros, more for­giv­ing bat­ter­ies, green tea illus­trat­ed, a new tree muse­um, wal­nut and steel make a very desir­able desk.

Morning Linkage (Apr 29)

Transporation A col­lec­tion of SR400 and SR500 videos. These high­ly mod­i­fi­able sin­gles are the start­ing point for tons of cus­toms in Japan. Now in addi­tion a to the work on the bike — it seems that you have to make a rid­ing video. Kick start bike, cruise the neigh­bor­hood, hit the under­pass, have your buddy …