Morning Linkage (Nov 30)

Collector cars of the future, wild­ly cus­tom vans, a cou­ple of Sportsters and the Ner-a-Car. Studying the deep sea with sub­mersibles, and mak­ing sense of Where’s George with some com­pli­cat­ed math. Ants, good pic­tures, very old hand let­ter­ing. Finally a trail­er for a fab Batman cartoon. 

Morning Linkage (Nov 2)

White is not a good col­or on some bikes, Wes Siler from Hell for Leather, tin toys, and a Bonneville I am unde­cid­ed about. How big is Africa? Paris Review author inter­views now on-line for all to read — most awe­some. Nordic mon­sters and Japanese ghosts. Vintage pack­ag­ing. What hap­pens when the sea mon­sters inter­fere in your relationships.

Morning Linkage (May 3)

Transportation Apparently things are lit­tle dif­fer­ent in GT rac­ing in Japan. Anime fran­chis­es spon­sor cars paint­ed like space ships, dri­vers wear suits pat­terned after offi­cers uni­forms and the ‘race queens’ look like cos-players. Evangelion gets the treat­ment. It’s not all Evangelion and Gundams. Run’a did Toy Story. (It’s worth run­ning this through Google trans­late of …