Morning Linkage (Nov 2)

White is not a good col­or on some bikes, Wes Siler from Hell for Leather, tin toys, and a Bonneville I am unde­cid­ed about. How big is Africa? Paris Review author inter­views now on-line for all to read — most awe­some. Nordic mon­sters and Japanese ghosts. Vintage pack­ag­ing. What hap­pens when the sea mon­sters inter­fere in your relationships.

Morning Linkage (Aug 24)

Dreams of the far north, an excel­lent Triumph, inap­pro­pri­ate use of a Red Bull can, Honda C77 Dream, How big is it? SDO shows us the sun’s magen­tic per­son­al­i­ty, the addic­tive prop­er­ties of motor­cy­cling, how much does that G&T cost? Edible crayons and Yeti smiles.

Morning Linkage (Jul 30)

Velorex, CB360T, if Picasso built cars, Determinism or free will, Huxely or Orwell, essays to read, Empire Marketing Board posters love­ly mid-Deco, crow on a wall, card­board mon­ster arms, The Lost Thing (fri­day animation)

Morning Linkage (Jul 28)

Today’s cus­toms: xs650 x2, Hondas — a Hawk and a Rebel. Japanese under-the-bed mon­sters, upmar­ket Sharpie, CA coast water­col­ors, intaglio print of James Jean’s Dive. Boy meets girl with a lit­tle help from freinds with spray paint.

Morning Linkage (Jul 7)

Amatoya fire­fight­ing vehi­cle, Yamaha DT‑1, and the 2011 Dakar Rally vid. 50’s Kabul, city in a crate, WORM advances, ornate French fur­ni­ture, card­board steam­punk, mon­sters in Japan, danc­ing paint chips.