shiny things in messy little piles

Tag: cardboard

Morning Linkage (Nov 10)


Adven­ture does not require expen­sive gear, mas­sive bikes, or exot­ic locations.

Some­where between WTF and the most insight­ful por­trait of the motor­cy­clist’s soul ever. A detail from Aki­ra Yam­aguc­chi’s The Nine Aspects. (If any­one can find a pic of the entire paint­ing please let me know.)

This one is a lit­tle bit of a gimme. I know at least two read­ers who will love any Tri­umph Scram­bler I post.


Time lapse pho­tog­ra­phy seems to have fall­en out of favor. Why? Did the won­der of watch­ing plants grown and bloom and die some­how leave the world? It’s a beau­ti­ful plan­et — all the more so because it hous­es some­thing as love­ly as the snake gourd plant or the white egret flower. Plants of Japan. (video with music)

Art, Images, and Design

These “tank totes” are a com­mon sight around here. They are car­ried around in the back of pick­up trucks by folks with less than reli­able water sup­plies. But I did­n’t know they were so cheap. Here’s a good re-use. Sig­nal lamps. Any oth­er ideas?

Ram­shackle hill­side apart­ments with too many win­dows and too few doors? No, not some sort of hell­ish slum. Nina Lind­gren’s mag­i­cal card­board houses.


I have been self­ish­ly keep­ing this one to myself for the last cou­ple of days. Alice Herz-Sommer is some­one who you have to hold in the pri­va­cy of your own heart and con­sid­er qui­et­ly before you can share her.
Trail­er for the doc­u­men­tary Alice: Danc­ing Under the Gal­lows (Video 12:11) More on Alice and the film.

Morning Linkage (Jul 30)


I believe that this is a 1960’s Velorex 350. You can get the con­fus­ing trans­lat­ed from the Hun­gar­i­an orig­i­nal here.

Very nice CB360T build out. Link to the build blog included.

Not the Cit­roen Picas­so (a bor­ing com­muter car) but UK custom-car builder Andy Sander’s Picas­so Cit­roen.


This may make your brain warp but it’s a look at the state of the think­ing today. Attempt­ing to com­bine quan­tum physics and neu­ro­science in the quest to set­tle the argu­ment between deter­min­ism and free will.

Or if that isn’t your end­less debate of choice, how about who was right about the nature of our future dystopia? Hux­e­ly or Orwell? Recom­bi­nant Records pro­vides the key talk­ing points.

Pub­lic trans­porta­tion com­muters, bed­time read­ers, and gym-rats alike should know about An archive of the best essay length mate­r­i­al pub­lished in the past decade. There are sev­er­al ways to access and read the mate­r­i­al. I use Instapa­per on my  iPreciouses.

Art, Images, and Design

Some real­ly love­ly posters from the Empire Mar­ket­ing Board (1936–1933) and a pon­der­ing of the trou­bling images in these efforts to mar­ket the prod­ucts of the British empire to the sub­jects of the British empire. The com­plete col­lec­tion is avail­able at Man­ches­ter Galleries.

Crow on a wall in Spain. I love the blur­ry feath­er work.

Card­board mon­ster arms.


Good illus­tra­tor, good ani­ma­tion Shaun Tan’s illus­trat­ed novel­las have made me smile. Now his The Lost Thing is being ani­mat­ed. If you have some patience left over from your week you’ll enjoy the trail­er more if you get it from the offi­cial Lost Thing but it’s a flash site and takes approx 15 sec­onds to load.

Okay, we made it to Fri­day. Now to make it through the day,