Morning Linkage (Feb 7)

JAWA, Veon — mor­phin’ like a pow­er ranger, and pret­ty girls on bikes. NASA lets you exper­i­ment with plan­e­tary para­me­ters. A sec­ond Raphael, some odd­ly famil­iar images in old Japanese post­cards, a Keds wear­ing croc­o­dile. Taking walk on the floor.

Morning Linkage (Feb 4) Friday

COncept Moto Guzzi, cafe rac­er from the ground up APrilla RSFV motor. The solar sail unfurls, and IBM helps us visu­al­ize the pow­er of 10. Glory and gory of rela­tion­ships on the walls of Philly, works on met­al, dou­ble expo­sures. The Holst sis­ters tap dance for us and a Japanese music video gets the week­end all start­ed up.

Morning Linkage (Aug 20)

garbage trucks, hooli­gan bikes — old and new — the H1 and a lit­tle KTM. clas­si­cal Greece in not so mono­chro­mat­ic white mar­ble. Minding your man­ners on the train in Japan, new Tintin, lots of maps, and Fan Ho’s unique vision of Hong Kong.