The Art/Science of Getting There
The quad goes fully enclosed to make a highly mobile firefighting platform. The Amatoya is considerably bigger than you’re going to assume when you first look at the pictures. Lots of interesting tech employed, like aerogel insulated windows. (thx toucan)
Mitch Boehm holds forth on BikeEXIF on the Yamaha DT‑1. For many of you this is a nice reminder of the excitement the DT‑1 caused when it was released. For others it will be a look at might arguably be the origin of the dual purpose bike and the sport of adventure touring.
The official promo for 2011 Dakar.
Culture and Living
50’s Kabul — not what you think it will be like.
Air-delivered city in a crate, the product of the merger of two vastly different businesses: expedition organizing and construct. So many possibilities for commerce and humanitarian aid.
Archival storage of digital information is hampered by the short lifespan of most recording technologies. Tamper-proof collection and storage of digital information is fraught with pitfalls. These WORM SD cards are a big step in solving both problems. Also a simpler answer to the Iron Butt no more Polaroid dilemma than the current dance of the SD cards. WORM — Write Once Read Many
Art, Images, and Design
Very ornate french chest, but yeah, I’d find a place for this in my house.
Cardboard steam punk. A cardboard collection of gears and levers. It doesn’t do much but it does it nicely.
Pretty, creepy. Pretty creepy. Japanese surrealist painter Tetsuya Ishida makes the claustrophobic side of Japanese culture visible.
Japanese monsters. I’ve done something like this before? Worth having a look at some more then.
Animated paint chips. Commercials for Sherwin Williams use paint chips to make little scenes and inspire you to get out the brushes and rollers.
keep calm and carry on,
It’s always something.
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