Random Linkage (July 27)

A real­ly love­ly lit­tle side­car rig. Honda CB550. The rebuild is appro­pri­ate for the era and the paint is so sweet. via: BikeEXIF A look inside the mind of builder Dustin Kott. Cafe Racers from vin­tage Japanese bikes. By Benedict Campbell. via: Return of the Cafe Racers     From Emily Carrol who does dream­like comics … 

Morning Linkage (Oct 28)

Helmut Fath’s side­car. Which rac­ing liv­ery do you pre­fer? hint — not the TicTac one. Norton Commando lust. Cats and squash, sea­son­al amuse­ments. New way to search the LIFE mag­a­zine image archives. Nelli Palomaki’s por­traits, ani­mals on build­ings in Lisbon, reusing mines as decor. Swing Shift Cinderella looks so swell, oh how I wish I could find the actu­al cartoon.

Morning Linkage (Jul 6)

If it weighs 800 pounds can it real­ly be a go-cart? Bosozuko cul­ture — cars and bikes, Bernardet side­cars, but­ter­flies and fire flies, sci­ence jobs, Peter Tyalor rolly-pollys, Demund Dulac illus­tra­tions and the adven­tures of a lost bear. Kooky Returns.

Morning Linkage (May 10)

Transportation 52 side­car images. Worth a look if only to hit page down once and get the best gig­gle you’ll have all day. If you have tod­dlers in the house call them over to the screen first. The math of rac­ing. In the end, it’s all about how fast can you go around the track … 

Morning Linkage (Mar 11)

Transportation You’ve seen the pic­tures of the hacked togeth­er ones but here’s the real deal. Motorcycle side-car based cam­era mount. The fab­ri­ca­tion qual­i­ty blows me away. Based on a 6 cylin­der 1500cc what? Seats 4. Sexy enough to make me con­sid­er a elec­tric car. Almost. Or I could buy one and put a real engine in …