Morning Linkage (Jan 18)

in-car video games or is that eco-driving, OBD-II for
iPhone, Brit Super Bike the high­light reel. Bruce Dale for NAt’l
Geo, “fix­ing” his­tor­i­cal images. Walnut cof­fee gear, compliments,
City Hall Station in it’s glo­ry. A cat with a plan to deal with
your keys.

Morning Linkage (Oct 28)

Helmut Fath’s side­car. Which rac­ing liv­ery do you pre­fer? hint — not the TicTac one. Norton Commando lust. Cats and squash, sea­son­al amuse­ments. New way to search the LIFE mag­a­zine image archives. Nelli Palomaki’s por­traits, ani­mals on build­ings in Lisbon, reusing mines as decor. Swing Shift Cinderella looks so swell, oh how I wish I could find the actu­al cartoon.

Morning Linkage (Jul 29)

A cou­ple of sweet Ducati cus­toms, an equal­ly nice Honda, NSU Lambrettas, Beezerker — dumb name fab build, Jefferson changes a word in the draft of the Declaration, vin­tage tracts and pam­phlets, pas­ta al limone, fire­works pack­ag­ing, mun­dane mon­sters, hap­py birthdays.