The Emperor’s New Bird

 I love the notion of per­formed spon­tane­ity, in that it gets at the fact that what seems nat­ur­al, or impro­vi­sa­tion­al, is still a prod­uct of deci­sion mak­ing, and still leads to a con­scious­ly made thing—a mechan­i­cal nightin­gale rather than the real bird that hap­pens to fly in the win­dow.” Diane Seuss inter­view with Jesse Nathan … 

Morning Linkage (Oct 28)

Helmut Fath’s side­car. Which rac­ing liv­ery do you pre­fer? hint — not the TicTac one. Norton Commando lust. Cats and squash, sea­son­al amuse­ments. New way to search the LIFE mag­a­zine image archives. Nelli Palomaki’s por­traits, ani­mals on build­ings in Lisbon, reusing mines as decor. Swing Shift Cinderella looks so swell, oh how I wish I could find the actu­al cartoon.

Morning Linkage (May 4)

Transportation Truly bizarre build from a CBR1000F. Top notch fab­ri­ca­tion qual­i­ty, stun­ning­ly ugly design, and it’s orange. Every kids dream — work­ing on the rail­way. Children’s rail­ways in east­ern Europe.  Follow the links for more “I can’t believe I’m too old” envy. Pretty bike — ele­gant, under­stat­ed, and vague­ly sin­is­ter. CB550. Science and Tech Well, sci­ence fiction … 

Morning Linkage (Mar 2)

Transportation The F1 safe­ty car. M‑B SLS AMG. My very favorite alpha­bet soup car. The rear light­ing is par­tic­u­lar­ly styl­ish. Vintagent pro­vides anoth­er fas­ci­nat­ing sto­ry from yes­ter­year. A 1967 “pro­duc­tion” bike class at the Isle of Man TT led to the cre­ation of a spe­cial Velocette Thruxton. Tales of it’s suc­cess­es and fail­ures. Loverly. In-car …