The Books of April

Cutting for Stone — Abraham Verghese (2009) The book is very long. I start­ed it in March and it took me most of April to fin­ish it. The twins (Marion and Shiva Stone) at the cen­ter of Cutting for Stone come into the world in a messy and pecu­liar way. Their moth­er, a shy Indian nun, … 

Morning Linkage (Jun 15)

Smart car — stu­pid truck, race trans­porters of a more ele­gant era, William GBibson helps you choose your sum­mer read­ing, vil­lains and rid­ers — how can that fail, land­scapes and street scenes, Nosferatu Over The Cuckoo’s Nest.

Morning Linkage (Mar 11)

Transportation You’ve seen the pic­tures of the hacked togeth­er ones but here’s the real deal. Motorcycle side-car based cam­era mount. The fab­ri­ca­tion qual­i­ty blows me away. Based on a 6 cylin­der 1500cc what? Seats 4. Sexy enough to make me con­sid­er a elec­tric car. Almost. Or I could buy one and put a real engine in … 

Morning Linkage (Mar 8)

Transportation Low rent trans­former of now neglect­ed, beloved city mas­cot. This robot built of sovi­et era car parts stands out­side of Odessa. Lovely. Thruxton based. Some back­ground on the engine design of the IoM Norton I showed you a week or so ago. The squish com­bus­tion cham­ber was the idea of a jan­i­tor? Not really. …