shiny things in messy little piles

Tag: Life Magazine

Morning Linkage (Oct 28)


Hel­mut Fath’s mul­ti­ple cham­pi­onship win­ning URS side­car recent­ly sold for more than $150K. Worth it? There cer­tain­ly is enough his­to­ry here to make it interesting.

The log­ic of the pick­ings and place­ments of these 50 best rac­ing liv­er­ies will baf­fle you. Until you real­ize that each place­ment had to had a video. (Not true, a few don’t.) Try the 1988 Porsche rac­ing in the 24 hours of Le Mans — with the fog addled start. Or maybe the 15 sec­onds of pure son­ic joy to had Par­nel­li Jone’s Boss 302.  All the rest are in the box on the right. Just don’t look at #50. Tic tac.

New Nor­ton Commando- ditch the lit­tle idjit screen, and pony up for the wire wheels and the sport­ing exhaust. Then get the hell out­ta my way. (Oh and tell the dude on the video to shut up. m’kay?)

Cute Natural World

Big cats love the post Hal­loween gro­cery clean-up. And who knew that pump­kins float? The tigers loved chas­ing them in the ponds. (2 dif­fer­ent videos.)

Internet Tips and Tricks.

Um, Google now index­es all of the LIFE images. So go to, click Images in the top nav bar and type : “fer­rari source:life” into the search box.. or maybe “duke elling­ton source:life” if you’re in a more laid back kin­da mood.

Art, Images, and Design

A brief overview of the work of Finnish pho­tog­ra­ph­er Nel­li Palo­ma­ki. Por­traits of women and girls sug­gest­ing depths to their life sto­ries that are not revealed causally.

Some­how the croc­o­dile on the side of this bricked up build­ing in Lis­bon looks ter­ri­bly sad about some­thing. Lucy McLauch­lan’s lit­tle birds, how­ev­er, are hav­ing a very good day.

Using up the relics of the WWII. Mak­ing fur­ni­ture and home decor out of naval mines. Yup, that’s gonna look right­eous in my library.

Swing Shift Cin­derel­la — with this Flashy Lassie with the Classy Chas­sis. Um, it’s the lob­by card for an upcom­ing car­toon short from the mid-century. I love it. More ads fea­tur­ing the car­toons here. And a reminder that car­toons were orig­i­nal­ly for the grown-ups. (SFW)

sec­ond times the charm :)

Morning Linkage (Mar 24)


From Life mag­a­zine. Day­tona in 1948. 22 pics. Take your time.

Anoth­er CB750, this one from Chica­go. I like the rough edges.

Or per­haps this one — a tad rougher.


Society and Culture (Food)

Food­ie Trend Watch. Your cup­cakes are no longer cool, hip, and indis­pens­able for (adult) birth­day par­ties. Meet the dough­nuts, the new cup­cakes. Yes there is a recipe, no I don’t want to know how good they are.


Art, Images, and Design

The Rhythms of Mod­ern Life:  British Prints 1914–1939.  Exhi­bi­tion from Miami’s Wolf­son­ian Muse­um.  So many things that go fast, bikes, cars, run­ners. Fab­u­lous mod­ernistic style.

Scrap yard objects become moto-mechano-men. Or some­thing. Stephan Halleux.

Some­what sim­i­lar, but not at all the same. Ron Pip­pen builds armor for angels.



Anoth­er selec­tion from the Acad­e­my Award nom­i­na­tions.  “The Lady and the Reaper (La Dama y la Muerte),” Javier Recio Gra­cia, direc­tor.  (Kan­dor Graph­ics and Green Moon) The lady would like to go now. All the sil­ly slap stick vio­lence of  Oscar win­ning Logo­ra­ma — except this time it’s about death and it’s funny.

behave your­selves