Morning Linkage (Jul 8)

Vintage bikes under Paris, Station wag­ons — some are cool, crypto­forestry, giant crab sheds it’s shell, Play Me I’m Yours, Peskimo does munchins for Mozilla, Ellis Nadler’s Cards of Wu will make the lit­tle hairs on your neck stand up, Hobbit in Russian.

Morning Linkage (Jul 5)

Plymouth, Ace pan­head, geo-thermal incu­ba­tion, trans­former dish­ware, insect eye macros, more for­giv­ing bat­ter­ies, green tea illus­trat­ed, a new tree muse­um, wal­nut and steel make a very desir­able desk.

Morning Linkage (Apr 8)

Transportation I’ve known of cou­ple of bike nuts from Alberta. Something about the hor­ri­bly, long , dark win­ters leads to the cre­ation of awe­some bikes to be enjoyed dur­ing the 16 hour sum­mer days. Things like this love­ly Duc. Oh so old school, oh so cool. A turquoise Indian. The details pics of the leaf springs …