Morning Linkage (Nov 1)

Another vin­tage bob­ber, dirt bikes before there were dirt bikes — a lit­tle CZ, Ducati news and mods. Snow crys­tals and oth­er tiny things. Noise, air­planes, and lousy food. Making doors bet­ter, Cars 2 — can’t wait, a lit­tle robot to build, and some art on the walls of Paris.

Morning Linkage (Jun 3)

Ryca builds a spe­cial S40, Vincent Nero/Super Nero speed record bikes, house front that opens, meet­ing short­en­er, lit­tle bird on a rock­er, liq­uid Venice, and because it’s Friday, a pret­ty girl and motor­cy­cle and an ani­ma­tion gig­gle with Zayatz and Volk.