shiny things in messy little piles

Tag: recipes

Morning Linkage (Sep 9)


Rumors abound. And now there are pic­tures. The US Gran Prix cir­cuit in Austin TX.

A 1943 WLC (that’s a Harley-Davidson) has been sit­ting since 1950 wait­ing for some guy’s grand­son. Now it’s out of the base­ment in the hands of James of Jamesville Cus­toms. Hope­ful­ly for a straight for­ward min­i­mal restora­tion. It’s so love­ly just the way it is.

Yeah, real­ly. Where is the CB1100? Now that’s a per­fect­ly plain bike that I’d give house space.

Two dash­ing fel­lows and a trail­er of bikes. Jack and Frank Chiswell raced speed­ways in Britain in the 1930’s. Googling will get you bits and pieces of their history.


We all know it’s all about the draw­ings on They Draw, They Cook. Two nice­ly illus­trat­ed recipes for fall dish­es. Lentils and sausage by Jonathan Hawk­er… and a mush­room and pea risot­to by Weef.

Art, Images, and Design

Clichéd peas­ant girls. Hun­gar­i­an painter Oszkar Glatz depicts ide­al­ized young­sters. His palette is wonderful.

Mov­able archi­tec­ture, rit­u­al build­ings, and camp­ing. From Sau­di Aram­co World, an essay on the tent cities of Cen­tral Asia. Most of the images are click­able for larg­er views.

I point­ed you all to Male­on­n’s circus-themed, fairy­tale images about a year ago. There’s anoth­er fine set of sur­re­al pho­tographs called Sec­ond Hand Tang Poem, reviewed by Wurzel­tod. Also avail­able in larg­er size in a flash gallery:


A lit­tle music to enhance your day. Make a Blues Song. A per­fect use of Flash to dri­ve a lit­tle browser-based app. Com­pose a blues song and hear it played just for you (or share your creation.)

until tomor­row then my dears,

Morning Linkage (Jul 5)


Mus­cle car mad­ness does­n’t seem to be going away. If you can’t afford the ride of your teenage dreams, maybe this print “Ply­mouth” by Kareem Rizk will make up for it. A little.

What does it mean that the best look­ing cus­tom work on Japan­ese bikes is com­ing out of Europe and the best cus­tom work on Amer­i­can bikes is com­ing out of Japan? Anoth­er great Harley cus­tom, this one from Ace Motor­cy­cles. The details, look at the head­light brack­et, cap­ti­vate me.

A photo-tag Ace Motor­cy­cles on a Japan­ese site. Ace itself has no web­site but one of their fans has put a bunch of pics on his blog fortyt­wo. and trans­lat­ed

Science and Technology

Geo-thermal heat­ing — not just for green build­ing. The first users of geot­her­mal heat­ing may have been dinosaurs look­ing for a way to keep very large eggs at a per­fect, con­stant temperature.

You know how you nev­er have enough bowls for that chili par­ty but the next week­end there’s not enough plates for the BBQ? Some­how own­ing 24 set­tings of din­ner­ware just for the occa­sion­al moment when you need that many soups plates, does­n’t seem prac­ti­cal. And where are you going to keep all that chi­na? What if you had 40 flat discs in a cup­board that could turn into what-ever size and shape of dish you need at the moment?

Bug-eyed. 6 macro pho­tos of insect optics. Cool enough for wall-paper or desk­top. It’s nice to see the species iden­ti­fied on pho­tos like these.

I hate bat­ter­ies. I hate putting bat­ter­ies in my gad­gets. I can’t see the dan­ged lit­tle draw­ings that tell me which end to put in first. But now I don’t have to look. Two bat­ter­ies, in any old way, will get the job done. Did some­one say Microsoft does­n’t do hard­ware well?

Art, Images, Illustration (and Food)

Not the most com­plex recipe I’ve seen on They Draw, They Cook. But one of the sweet­est, most sum­mery so far.

A tree muse­um. Real­ly. Using hard­scape ele­ments to high­light the unique attrib­ut­es of spec­i­men trees. Nice pho­to cat­a­log of orna­men­tal trees as well. Too bad Switzer­land is so far away.

Black wal­nut and weath­ered met­al make an ele­gant if some­what odd­ly con­struct­ed desk. It’s the com­bi­na­tion of the mate­ri­als that attracts me.


It’s a three-day-weekend Mon­day so you have no excuse not to sit down and watch each and every one of the the clips pro­vid­ed in this trib­ute to Ray Har­ry­hausen. The genius behind the sum­mer camp, rainy after­noon, enter­tain­ment of my youth.

Now go away and look at some­thing interesting.

Morning Linkage (Apr 13)


The new MSF Cur­ricu­lum is being talked about. What does this mean to you?

Spon­sored in part by MSF and con­duct­ed by the Vir­gina Tech Trans­porta­tion Insti­tute, a new study aims to pro­duce up to date val­ues for moto acci­dents and near accidents.

Geo­graph­i­cal­ly suit­able vehi­cles? Or design exer­cis­es with stereo types. Con­sid­er­ing that these three vehi­cles designed for the Pacif­ic North­west fit so nice­ly into the lives of the “nature-loving, caffeine-addicted triath­letes” that live here, I’d say the stereo­types are win­ning. (I only know one of the afore men­tioned goobers.)

The descrip­tion of this fine Norton-Harley hybrid begins with,  “Some motor­cy­cles just look exact­ly “right”. Yeah, what he said.\



They Draw and Cook. Illus­tra­tors show their favorite recipes in 1200 x 450 pix­els. Yes, we want this all pub­lished in a book.


Art, Images, and Design

Small urban land­scapes placed in larg­er urban land­scapes. Adding win­dows to met­al box­es cre­ates new spaces where tiny cit­i­zens can live.

More Nicole Dex­tras — Angry Lunch. Cast paper shapes make up a sand­wich with an atti­tude.

A col­lec­tion of unusu­al rugs.  So are wit­ty, some are head scratch­ing­ly odd, a cou­ple would be fab to have on the floor. (Eggs, or the polar bear?)



Pix­els take over NYC. All of your favorite old school arcade games are here.

… and that’s Tues­day for you.