Morning Linkage (Feb 7)

JAWA, Veon — mor­phin’ like a pow­er ranger, and pret­ty girls on bikes. NASA lets you exper­i­ment with plan­e­tary para­me­ters. A sec­ond Raphael, some odd­ly famil­iar images in old Japanese post­cards, a Keds wear­ing croc­o­dile. Taking walk on the floor.

Morning Linkage (Jan 28)

Stram returns to the Salt, Eliz. Raab’s Ducatis with nudes, build­ing a cus­tom in India. Lady Gaga lyrics find a place, a per­fect umbrel­la, Dark trop­i­cal Antoinettes. Using sound and a high speed cam­era to move paint. Sweetest movie cred­its yet for Le Petit Nicolas.

Morning Linkage (Nov 4)

Green Hornet’s Black Beauty. Motos in the dirt, rid­ing the KTM 450, a tidy BMW R60, and a blue Triumph. Real time video manip­u­la­tion, Lego frog (not safe for chil­dren) and NASA’s rules about weath­er. A sketch, many artists in a sub­way sta­tion, Jimi Hendrix on a roller coast­er video.