Morning Linkage (Sep 7)


Ducati Streetfighter + Finishing Touch 4U (ugli­est name in cus­toms?) = yum­my paint and just right details.

IED stu­dents do con­cept designs for Ducati. 10 designs were sub­mit­ted to Ducati and one pro­duced as a full-scale mock-up. You might find some­thing you like here.

A gallery of gar­ish and hard to take seri­ous­ly PR mate­ri­als for the Suzuki GSX-R50 GAG4.


It’s the start of hur­ri­cane sea­son. NASA puts a lot of peo­ple and equip­ment into the air to track and ana­lyze hur­ri­canes. Earl was the first hur­ri­cane to be record­ed from NASA’s new drone, Global Hawk. The arti­cle also includes graph­ics and a link to NASA’s twit­ter where the sci­en­tists fly­ing into and out of Earl on the DC‑8 made some com­ments. NASA’s twit­ter stream is fun in general.

Art, Images, and Design

Okay — that’s cool. The rolling shut­ter arti­fact put to good use. The prop isn’t sup­posed to look that is it? Need more rolling shut­ter? Flickr offers a tag.

Robert Spencer paint­ed the less idyl­lic side of life along the Delaware River in the 1910’s and 1920’s. Unlike most of his con­tem­po­raries who focused on the pret­ty and rur­al, Spencer was fas­ci­nat­ed by the fac­to­ries, riv­er traf­fic and dai­ly life of the under class.

Always Audrey.

off you go…
