Morning Linkage (Feb 7)

JAWA, Veon — mor­phin’ like a pow­er ranger, and pret­ty girls on bikes. NASA lets you exper­i­ment with plan­e­tary para­me­ters. A sec­ond Raphael, some odd­ly famil­iar images in old Japanese post­cards, a Keds wear­ing croc­o­dile. Taking walk on the floor.

Morning Linkage (Aug 10)

Freaky 60’s cars, Muzeti, marine high­ways, AJS 18. Eclipse shad­ows, Haidinger’s Brush, per­son­al­i­ty and genet­ics and learn­ing to wait. Mark Tucker does Jack Daniels again, cov­ers for the Penguin Classics, aban­doned Hobbit houses.

Morning Linkage (Apr 20)

Transportation Very pret­ty bicy­cles. A love­ly, par­tial­ly built out Triumph Scrambler. Clean look­ing and I like the low­er look. One of the women in my stone set­ting class is Austrian. We had a gig­gle the oth­er day nam­ing Austrian motor­cy­cle com­pa­nies that no one else in the class had ever heard of — all of them …