Morning Linkage (Aug 4)

Moto Guzzi — per­fect details, two Triumphs, girls on bikes, boys on bikes, sum­mer drinks, anti-lasers, big art on the earth , lit­tle art on the water, under­sea worlds in pas­tels, a per­fect beach photo

Morning Linkage (Jul 16)

Henderson cus­tom, col­or­ing book for the Ducatisi, mod Royal Enfield, OEC Commander, pock­et screw­driv­er, bot­tle design, Animal themed fruit crate labels, The beau­ti­ful and the Grotesque, new art from Italy, not Houston, new Tinites, sen­su­al bike friend of romance.

Morning Linkage (Mar 9)

Transportation I love the tail treat­ment on this Triumph. Such a sweet, round butt. The post title says it all “Enjoy Some Gratuitous Classic Lotus Porn.” Pics from the Lotus archives. (SFW) A bad jump start once cost me a ECU/BCU pair for a Mercedes. If the surge sup­pres­sor in these smart jumper cables works …