I love the tail treatment on this Triumph. Such a sweet, round butt.
The post title says it all “Enjoy Some Gratuitous Classic Lotus Porn.” Pics from the Lotus archives. (SFW)
A bad jump start once cost me a ECU/BCU pair for a Mercedes. If the surge suppressor in these smart jumper cables works I’d be willing to pay a whole lot more than $35.
Just a note — TopSpeed has been removed from my reader. Their refusal to include links to sources and the websites of organizations they report on has finally driven me over the edge. Nominations for good sources of motor industry news sought. I’d like something that covers cars and bikes, business, and current products rather than vintage and custom.
Creature Cast update. Dr. Phil Pugh talks about the first time he got to see siphonophores from a submarine. He had studied these fascinating, clone-based organisms for years without having the chance to see one intact. Mesmerizing video too. (Audio Narration)
Huge data sets and massive computing power seem like they should allow scientists to find more and more significant correlations and dependencies. The opposite may be true. More data and more ways of slicing it increases the chance that results are nothing more than random noise.
More data to play with, Google brings more data sets to Public Data Explorer. Let’s all try to remember that the plural of statistics is not information.
Art, Images, and Design
The 50’s are often considered the golden age of commercial illustration. From the time the author first noticed a handful of images with the signature Lucia to a correspondence with one of her colleagues, this look at Lucia Lerner’s career in Chicago is a wonderful introduction to this world and a rather unusual member.
Olaf Hajek. I don’t know what these images were made to sell but this series of five “the new secret language of symbols” sells me.(mildly NSFW)
Another excellent photographer with a huge Flickr stream. Batintherain is Andrea de Poda of Pesaro, Italy. A gentleman with a fabulous eye for architecture.
I put this here mostly so that you can share my wonder at Cory’s description of the hulking naval(?) object in the photo.
good luck with that…

awesome ekranoplan pictures. un-f’ing-believable. love the bronze-ian rant, too. priceless!