shiny things in messy little piles

Tag: landscapes

Morning Linkage (Jan 17)


Con­tem­plat­ing the changes in the cul­ture of rac­ing and rule mak­ing. Reims in ’54 the return of the Mer­cedes and a grid full of indi­vid­u­al­is­tic machines.

Real­ly I spoil you all. I should be look­ing these bikes up and dol­ing them out one at a time. But what the hel­lz. A bonan­za bou­quet of old (real­ly old) bikes at the Bon­ham’s Las Vegas auc­tion. Munch Mam­mut, an H‑D Peashoot­er from a mine in West­ern Aus­tralia, and my fav the Indi­an Camelback.


Jog­ging, not just hat­ed exer­cise but per­haps an adap­tive evo­lu­tion­ary advan­tage? Some­thing called endurance hunt­ing may have been an impor­tant fac­tor in the suc­cess of our ances­tors. Oh hell, pass the fries.

I’m going to lose big kar­ma points for post­ing this but… cats con­fused about what’s up and what’s down in weight­less­ness. On video.

Art, Images, and Design

Paper — cut and lay­ered by Brit­te­ny Lee. Her ani­mals always have way too much personality.

Impul­sive kiss­es. Giv­en on a street cor­ner. Paint­ed on a street cor­ner. C215 and, prob­a­bly, his girl Alice.

Betray­ing a sense of the del­i­ca­cy of the divide between humans and their fel­lows that is far more sophis­ti­cat­ed than you expect from a 21 year old. Russ­ian artist Eugene Soloviev cre­ates stripped-down float­ing landscapes.


Street art, meets stop-motion, meets flip-book. 294 walls, 4 cities, 3000 kilo­me­ters. Think about what that means. Think about how the vid ends. By the Turk­ish group, Sokak Savasa Kar­si.  (Video 1:30 — music)

hap­py Mon­day y’all

Morning Linkage (Apr 23)


Don’t let the URL fool you. It’s a groovy Nor­ton. For real? Dear lord, that’s way too much flower for me.

Have $10K lying around? You might want to head over to the Duc deal­er and get one of these, and a mocha. 2011 Duc Mon­ster 796. Yum.

Hon­da goes two-wheel elec­tric. Japan only mod­el the EV-neo. Avail­able for lease at the end of the year. A new busi­ness mod­el for the prob­lem of rapid­ly devel­op­ing elec­tric vehi­cle tech mak­ing this year’s mod­el obso­lete before you’ve fin­ished mak­ing the payments.


The role of Asi­a’s some­times mas­sive spring dust storms in the weath­er of the Pacif­ic Northwest.

Dr. Clelia Duel Mosh­er taught at Stan­ford Uni­ver­si­ty at the turn of the last cen­tu­ry. Her work includ­ed in depth stud­ies of wom­en’s sex­u­al atti­tudes in the late 19th cen­tu­ry. Work that remained buried in the Stan­ford archives until 1973.

Art, Images, and Design

21 con­dom ads you won’t see here in the Unit­ed States of Puri­tan. Some of these are damned fun­ny. (Love the water bot­tles — sub­tle and would fit right into a Seat­tle mag­a­zine, what with our ded­i­ca­tion to the sport­ing life.)

Dum­fries Scot­land. A land­scape whose plants are irrel­e­vant. Stone and met­al objects that visu­al­ize the basic tenets of math and physics. Utter­ly nerd cool.

Strong lines and vibrant col­ors makes Julie Oak­ley one of my favorite urban sketchers.

and that’s that…
see you next week.

Morning Linkage (Apr 13)


The new MSF Cur­ricu­lum is being talked about. What does this mean to you?

Spon­sored in part by MSF and con­duct­ed by the Vir­gina Tech Trans­porta­tion Insti­tute, a new study aims to pro­duce up to date val­ues for moto acci­dents and near accidents.

Geo­graph­i­cal­ly suit­able vehi­cles? Or design exer­cis­es with stereo types. Con­sid­er­ing that these three vehi­cles designed for the Pacif­ic North­west fit so nice­ly into the lives of the “nature-loving, caffeine-addicted triath­letes” that live here, I’d say the stereo­types are win­ning. (I only know one of the afore men­tioned goobers.)

The descrip­tion of this fine Norton-Harley hybrid begins with,  “Some motor­cy­cles just look exact­ly “right”. Yeah, what he said.\



They Draw and Cook. Illus­tra­tors show their favorite recipes in 1200 x 450 pix­els. Yes, we want this all pub­lished in a book.


Art, Images, and Design

Small urban land­scapes placed in larg­er urban land­scapes. Adding win­dows to met­al box­es cre­ates new spaces where tiny cit­i­zens can live.

More Nicole Dex­tras — Angry Lunch. Cast paper shapes make up a sand­wich with an atti­tude.

A col­lec­tion of unusu­al rugs.  So are wit­ty, some are head scratch­ing­ly odd, a cou­ple would be fab to have on the floor. (Eggs, or the polar bear?)



Pix­els take over NYC. All of your favorite old school arcade games are here.

… and that’s Tues­day for you.