The Emperor’s New Bird

 I love the notion of per­formed spon­tane­ity, in that it gets at the fact that what seems nat­ur­al, or impro­vi­sa­tion­al, is still a prod­uct of deci­sion mak­ing, and still leads to a con­scious­ly made thing—a mechan­i­cal nightin­gale rather than the real bird that hap­pens to fly in the win­dow.” Diane Seuss inter­view with Jesse Nathan … 

In Autumn

yel­low moon becomes amber mum becomes ques­tion of bridges that go nowhere becomes smell of paper, hot out of the print­er becomes some­thing gold­en that was alive just yes­ter­day but today smells new­ly, rich­ly dead. First pub­lished in Door is a Jar 

Letter Home 4 Aug, 2018

Dearest ones, I went to a lec­ture last week. Ilya Kaminsky, a famous Ukrainian poet, began by ask­ing “How is life on this shiny plan­et?” I did not know how to answer him. He taped pic­tures by Diego Rivera to the wall and read from Calvino’s  Invisible Cities. He spoke of how our work is … 

I Believe (after Ron Shelton)

I believe in the image, the line, the stan­za, the iambic foot, the per­fect word. Assonance, slant rhymes, that the for­mal forms still have a place in mod­ern poet­ry. I believe that Shakespeare wrote the plays. I believe in a con­sti­tu­tion­al amend­ment out­law­ing poet­ry about poet­ry and the use of the word “suf­fuse.” I believe …