shiny things in messy little piles

Month: April 2010 (Page 3 of 4)

Morning Linkage (Apr 13)


The new MSF Cur­ricu­lum is being talked about. What does this mean to you?

Spon­sored in part by MSF and con­duct­ed by the Vir­gina Tech Trans­porta­tion Insti­tute, a new study aims to pro­duce up to date val­ues for moto acci­dents and near accidents.

Geo­graph­i­cal­ly suit­able vehi­cles? Or design exer­cis­es with stereo types. Con­sid­er­ing that these three vehi­cles designed for the Pacif­ic North­west fit so nice­ly into the lives of the “nature-loving, caffeine-addicted triath­letes” that live here, I’d say the stereo­types are win­ning. (I only know one of the afore men­tioned goobers.)

The descrip­tion of this fine Norton-Harley hybrid begins with,  “Some motor­cy­cles just look exact­ly “right”. Yeah, what he said.\



They Draw and Cook. Illus­tra­tors show their favorite recipes in 1200 x 450 pix­els. Yes, we want this all pub­lished in a book.


Art, Images, and Design

Small urban land­scapes placed in larg­er urban land­scapes. Adding win­dows to met­al box­es cre­ates new spaces where tiny cit­i­zens can live.

More Nicole Dex­tras — Angry Lunch. Cast paper shapes make up a sand­wich with an atti­tude.

A col­lec­tion of unusu­al rugs.  So are wit­ty, some are head scratch­ing­ly odd, a cou­ple would be fab to have on the floor. (Eggs, or the polar bear?)



Pix­els take over NYC. All of your favorite old school arcade games are here.

… and that’s Tues­day for you.

Morning Linkage (Apr 9)


A nice over-restoration (I made that word up) of a Hon­da CBX1000. The head­er pipes are rad.

Anoth­er CBX, this time in near orig­i­nal con­di­tion. More pics and details on the bike as you slide right in the viewport.


Pret­ty pho­to­graph and expla­na­tion of The Belt of Venus over the Val­ley of the Moon. Okay, the title is the coolest part but the pic­ture will make you a lit­tle dreamy too.

Art, images, and Design

Here are some shots from the NYC East­er Parade. Ran­dom good­ness. It’s worth a chunk of time to click on  the “Mark Tuck­er” at the top and explore some of his oth­er posts. There are days when his slide into a
brand of slick com­mer­cial por­trai­ture is cloy­ing and oth­ers when it is odd­ly calm­ing. And then there are the moments of genius like these can­did shots from the NYC East­er Day parade. (Tal­ent is often for

Six pos­si­ble cos­tumes for your next big event. Pro­vid­ed you don’t have hay fever. Wee­drobes — Nicole Dex­tras’ ephemer­al cou­ture for sum­mer and prints from the pho­tographs. You’ll like the win­ter Ice­works as well but they aren’t as wearable.

Su Black­well’s ver­sion of the Mad Hat­ter’s Tea Par­ty fea­tures a well cutout Alice look­ing on curi­ous­ly. all of Ms. Black­well’s book sculp­tures are just plain fun.



The music is stan­dard pop, love song, but the video is too ter­ri­bly twee with all of those clever match­box­es. The Nav­i­ga­tors “Din­ner at My Place

And then I found the entire set of match­box­es in one place.

and there you have it — anoth­er per­fect­ly good week wast­ed with…

Morning Linkage (Apr 8)


I’ve known of cou­ple of bike nuts from Alber­ta. Some­thing about the hor­ri­bly, long , dark win­ters leads to the cre­ation of awe­some bikes to be enjoyed dur­ing the 16 hour sum­mer days. Things like this love­ly Duc.

Oh so old school, oh so cool. A turquoise Indi­an. The details pics of the leaf springs will make you weep.

The Par­tridge Fam­i­ly was a sta­ple of my tween­er life and David Cas­sidy was on the cov­er of every dang issue of Tiger Beat for years. But I’m grown up now and sweet­ened up, hair band singer, wanna-bes do noth­ing for me. That bus they drove, on the oth­er hand, I’d still buy.



Olive trees show how sex­u­al dif­fer­en­ti­a­tion in plants can change over time. And why that change may remain incom­plete. Fas­ci­nat­ing botany and a reminder that gen­der is mutable.

The world’s old­est tree, it’s a some­what con­test­ed title. I mean, what exact­ly is a tree? and how do you mea­sure old? None-the-less, here’s scoop on 12 con­tenders. Includ­ing this tiny spruce in Swe­den named after a geol­o­gist’s dog.

Sci­ence on a larg­er scale. Tides are the result of the moon and the sun mess­ing about with the water float­ing around the Earth. There’s a nice set of expla­na­tions, some ques­tions answered, and sim­ple ani­mat­ed graphics 


Art, Images, and Design

The Chi­nese have a long tra­di­tion of ges­tur­al land­scape paint­ing. Sail has updat­ed the mate­ri­als and meth­ods but still pro­duces dreamy images of places you’d like to be. A plum tree on a wall in Shang­hai. Done with spray paint.

Bun­nies, bees, a baby rein­deer. Tulips, cher­ry blos­soms, and welling­ton boots. The Big Pic­ture has a round of spring images.  (And there’s a Magpie!)

Shep­ard Fairey brings his sig­na­ture style to a multi-cultural trib­ute on Mel­rose Ave.

the sun is out! the hail will return, no doubt.

Morning Linkage (Apr 7)


New vehi­cle con­trol sys­tems are always pop­u­lar with the bored press. This is one of the best… (that makes no sense.) xBox con­trol inte­gra­tion — very well done.

XS650 min­i­mal­ist update.

Coolest trans­porta­tion sec­tor job ever… WSDOT’s aer­i­al pho­tog­ra­ph­er.


Society, Culture, Literature

Because no one real­ly wants the hand­writ­ten word to dis­ap­pear. What is you could make your email into snail mail com­plete with a rout­ing map. Yes, I know it’s a con­cept piece. Now get out there and build me one.

Once I have the will to return to writ­ing real let­ters I’ll need is some decent let­ter­head. Among the many exam­ples on the site Let­ter­Heady is this sim­ple but unmis­tak­able sheet from Theodor Geisel.


Art, Images, and Design

Amaz­ing… I think I might over use that word… but tru­ly this will blow your mind. Bovey Lee cuts rice paper with xac­to knives. Del­i­cate, detailed, and not quite as pre­cious as you’d think. Her port­fo­lio site flash based. But if you like what you see on here on Paper Carve go and spend some time with Tsuna­mi Enmeshed.

Ves­pa scoot­er ads have been always been clever — a col­lec­tion of recent ones from around the world fea­tures, car win­dow cute outs, invis­i­ble pin-up girls, inter-dimensional trav­el and, oh course,  butterflies.



Blue bohemi­an, a hep cat makes a dr suess­ian rhyme about a sadis­tic piano builder and the theft of all the finest musi­cal cats.. Paris? Moroc­co? Hell? (Dis­turb­ing)

It’s always something.

Morning Linkage (Apr 6)


Very pret­ty Nor­ton Com­man­do on a new bike pic blog.

I’m not much of  a fan of the chop­per mod­’ed Tri­umph. But this one is enough to make me recon­sid­er my cafe rac­er prejudices.

Girl in white (leathers?) on a fan­cy bike. The hair orna­ment is fab. Looks like a parade should be form­ing up any minute.



Mites and a pseudo-scorpion and oth­er crit­ters that hitch rides on insects and bugs. Big fleas have lit­tle fleas…

The pret­ty ver­sion is the light­en­ing that hap­pens over active­ly erupt­ing vol­ca­noes. The not so pret­ty ver­sion is the explod­ing corn dust in a grain silo. The com­mon­al­i­ty is small par­ti­cles of dust/sand/ash that col­lect elec­tri­cal charges.


Art, Images, and Design

One of the most charm­ing bots to be found on Sug­ar Coat­ed Good­ness. If only co-dependence was so cute in real life.

Faces of drag­on flies by Miros?aw ?wi?tek.
Tons more of his macro work here.

Nice col­lec­tion of motor­cy­cle based pho­tographs from the Corpses from Hell site all tidied up into a straight edged pile by Pipeburn.

Tues­day’s just as bad…

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