Morning Linkage (Apr 23)

Transportation Don’t let the URL fool you. It’s a groovy Norton. For real? Dear lord, that’s way too much flower for me. Have $10K lying around? You might want to head over to the Duc deal­er and get one of these, and a mocha. 2011 Duc Monster 796. Yum. Honda goes two-wheel elec­tric. Japan only model … 

Morning Linakge (Apr 16)

Random Day after Tax Day tab clos­ing exer­cise. Transportation Classic Lambretta scoot­er ads. New ads for the M‑B G class. Making images from the land­scape — in this case sand and stones. ———– Art, Images, and Design From Olson Kundig — a tow­er of iso­la­tion on the edge of a for­est. * Cutting up oil paintings … 

Morning Linkage (Apr 7)

Transportation New vehi­cle con­trol sys­tems are always pop­u­lar with the bored press. This is one of the best… (that makes no sense.) xBox con­trol inte­gra­tion — very well done. XS650 min­i­mal­ist update. Coolest trans­porta­tion sec­tor job ever… WSDOT’s aer­i­al pho­tog­ra­ph­er. ————- Society, Culture, Literature Because no one real­ly wants the hand­writ­ten word to dis­ap­pear. What is …