Morning Linkage (Aug 18)

- the messed up glass­es edi­tion — Transportation First thing in the feed read­er this morn­ing was this beau­ty. I almost stopped there and called it a day. CB550, build direct­ed by Jeff Stephens. Art, Images, and Design A few brief com­ments on the book design of the sem­i­nal Design for the Real World. Aside from … 

Morning Linkage (Apr 23)

Transportation Don’t let the URL fool you. It’s a groovy Norton. For real? Dear lord, that’s way too much flower for me. Have $10K lying around? You might want to head over to the Duc deal­er and get one of these, and a mocha. 2011 Duc Monster 796. Yum. Honda goes two-wheel elec­tric. Japan only model …