shiny things in messy little piles

Tag: robots (Page 2 of 3)

Morning Linkage (May 7)


The Fri­day freaky find. This was spot­ted on eBay and now it lives on pipeburn and per­haps in some­one’s garage. Is it a Nor­ton? A Tri­umph? An ungod­ly mashup? Twin engine goofy­ness.

You know that I love the work of Wrench Mon­kees. So do a lot of oth­er folks and now we’re start­ing to see some very nice builds in the same grit­ty style.

Black and white image of an SS750 engine with­out the side case. This pic is big enough for net­book wall paper. Just sayin’

Society and Culture

Aban­doned places. A Sovi­et mis­sile defense instal­la­tion, even allow­ing for the degra­da­tion of aban­don­ment this must have been a grim place to live and work.

Art, Images, and Design

uhu­ru design in Brook­lyn has brought out a line of fur­ni­ture fea­tur­ing wood tak­en from the Coney Island board­walk. The lounger design is a swoopy delight.

A cou­ple of days ago I men­tioned Lean­dro Caste­lao in a post about rhi­nos. Here’s a look at some more of his work. Robots for T‑shirts.Click around for more goodness.

A sweet Jim Flo­ra illo done for the cov­er of Com­put­er Design some time in the 60s or 70s. Ear­ly geek art!


A dark world and a bright umbrel­la. A well done senior year project from CalArts by philip vose.

week­end ahead, off you go.

Morning Linkage (Apr 29)


A col­lec­tion of SR400 and SR500 videos. These high­ly mod­i­fi­able sin­gles are the start­ing point for tons of cus­toms in Japan. Now in addi­tion a to the work on the bike — it seems that you have to make a rid­ing video. Kick start bike, cruise the neigh­bor­hood, hit the under­pass, have your bud­dy take lots of shaky close­ups of your pants pock­ets :-D But you real­ly want to spend time with the SR500 built by trouthunter. It’s the nicest build doc­u­men­tary I’ve seen. (Video #4 — Music)

Amir Glinik draws CGI bikes that you can hear rum­bling in your brows­er. Swear to God.  This ‘45 Harley can be had in either red or white. Luscious.

The fel­lows at Jamesville (that’d be James) have moved a lit­tle out of the cus­tom bike field to work on a 1936 Ford Coupe. Maybe I read too many R. Crumb car­toons as teenag­er but these always give the gig­gles. It’s a beau­ti­ful job.


Very nifty opti­cal illu­sion. You’ll see a spi­ral but it’s not there. I’m not sure how it’s done, some­thing about the background.
There are a ton more exam­ples here. and some explanations.

Art, Images, and Design

Insects and dew. Macro pho­tos of the bejew­eled denizens of a world we over­look every morning.

I’m not sure where to go with these, a mutant bio­log­i­cal dystopia. Line and sim­ple col­ors cre­ate charm­ing night­mares. (Fer­nan­do Hereñú (AKA Pulpo)

Sim­i­lar­ly, not-quite human char­ac­ters but full of whim­sy and bright col­ors. Hap­py robots liv­ing in a hap­py world drawn by lit­tle kong.

keep calm and car­ry on…

Morning Linkage (Apr 20)


Very pret­ty bicy­cles.

A love­ly, par­tial­ly built out Tri­umph Scram­bler. Clean look­ing and I like the low­er look.

One of the women in my stone set­ting class is Aus­tri­an. We had a gig­gle the oth­er day nam­ing Aus­tri­an motor­cy­cle com­pa­nies that no one else in the class had ever heard of — all of them — and then rem­i­nisc­ing about the lit­tle Puch mope­ds.

Some damned sil­ly stunt­ing on 99 between Eugene and Junc­tion City. In, um, 1938. Sweet­ness. (Music)


Food and Packaging

Choco­late is good. The odd­ly uneven break-lines on the Bold bar are fun. The orange peel in dark choco­late just begs for taste test­ing. The white choco­late with green tea is utter­ly unap­pe­tiz­ing even if the pack­age is pretty.


Art, Images, and Design

Illus­tra­tor Iv Irlov’s work is famil­iar to many mag­a­zine read­ers. Here’s a selec­tion of his most recent images. I love the stomp­ing robots he did for CEO Magazine.

Read­ing is dan­ger­ous. Just how dan­ger­ous is shown in these post­cards from Joost Swarte. Hap­py Tin-Tin feel­ing to the images.

I have no idea what’s tem­po­rary about Gideon Chase’s tem­po­rary blog but I love his work. Things are always bro­ken. Inter­est­ing­ly broken.

…anoth­er day anoth­er post…

Morning Linkage (Apr 6)


Very pret­ty Nor­ton Com­man­do on a new bike pic blog.

I’m not much of  a fan of the chop­per mod­’ed Tri­umph. But this one is enough to make me recon­sid­er my cafe rac­er prejudices.

Girl in white (leathers?) on a fan­cy bike. The hair orna­ment is fab. Looks like a parade should be form­ing up any minute.



Mites and a pseudo-scorpion and oth­er crit­ters that hitch rides on insects and bugs. Big fleas have lit­tle fleas…

The pret­ty ver­sion is the light­en­ing that hap­pens over active­ly erupt­ing vol­ca­noes. The not so pret­ty ver­sion is the explod­ing corn dust in a grain silo. The com­mon­al­i­ty is small par­ti­cles of dust/sand/ash that col­lect elec­tri­cal charges.


Art, Images, and Design

One of the most charm­ing bots to be found on Sug­ar Coat­ed Good­ness. If only co-dependence was so cute in real life.

Faces of drag­on flies by Miros?aw ?wi?tek.
Tons more of his macro work here.

Nice col­lec­tion of motor­cy­cle based pho­tographs from the Corpses from Hell site all tidied up into a straight edged pile by Pipeburn.

Tues­day’s just as bad…

Morning Linkage (Mar 8)


Low rent trans­former of now neglect­ed, beloved city mas­cot. This robot built of sovi­et era car parts stands out­side of Odessa.

Love­ly. Thrux­ton based.

Some back­ground on the engine design of the IoM Nor­ton I showed you a week or so ago. The squish com­bus­tion cham­ber was the idea of a jan­i­tor? Not real­ly. Leo Kus­mick­i’s sto­ry reads like an adven­ture com­ic none-the-less. Read the com­ments for addi­tion­al info.

Inter­est­ing if true, BMW has a firmware rev lim­iter on the new S1000RR. It gets turned off at the 600 mile ser­vice. Is this going too far? Or is BMW jus­ti­fied in try­ing to pro­tect it’s machines from ear­ly life abuse and itself from unrea­son­able war­ran­ty claims.


Literature and Gadgets

A book design­er talks about the move to eBooks, what the iPad brings to the par­ty, and what the future of the print­ed book looks like. His dis­tinc­tion between form­less and def­i­nite con­tent is a good way of con­sid­er­ing which books deserve to be print­ed and which don’t. Per­haps it is time to rec­og­nize that some books are not worth the paper they are print­ed on.  Excel­lent civ­i­lized dis­cus­sion in the com­ments as well.

Less thought­ful but more imme­di­ate­ly and com­mer­cial­ly rel­e­vant. These two videos fea­tur­ing Pen­guin Books’ CEO John Makin­son talk­ing about the pub­lish­er’s move into the dig­i­tal book mar­ket and the upsides and down­sides that they see in the near future.

Low tech, for book lovers. Book plates can aid the return of your pre­cious vol­umes. There are three free designs, I like the one with snakes.


Art, Images, and Design

Some of the nicest remake/reuse fur­ni­ture exam­ples I’ve seen. Not a bun­ny or flower stick­er in the bunch. Decent hard­ware upgrades too. From Pur­pose Restora­tion.

Flickr is home to the port­fo­lios of some amaz­ing pho­tog­ra­phers. The work of Nicholas Moulin includes lots of wicked cool macro images like this four-eyed spi­der.

Scott Camp­bell of Zom­bie Fair poster fame has new work hang­ing in Lon­don.  Who can resist ambigu­ous wood­land crea­tures and a race car carved out of a boul­der ? Or the Bedrock air­ships?

Cecil­ia Murgel’s jour­nal pages. Each fea­tures an image of two women and a com­men­tary on the activ­i­ties of a day. In Por­tugese but you don’t need to read the entries to know how she’s feel­ing about what’s going on in her life. I haven’t seen mark­ers used so well in ages.

ta ta for now my freaky darlings…

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