shiny things in messy little piles

Tag: scrambler (Page 1 of 2)

Morning Linkage (Feb 8)


I’m not a fan of chop­pers — it’s a style I just don’t get. But ZZ Chop is true to his roots and does graph­ics with a dis­tinc­tive chop­per ethos. Great, grungy, retro work.

Mak­ing a scram­bler out of an old­er BMW RT is cool. Though I won­der a lit­tle about bash­ing through the woods on any­thing with that kind of width :) The quote from the Cycle Mag­a­zine explain­ing the 70’s BWM nomen­cla­ture and the rela­tion­ship between the var­i­ous bikes in the line is priceless.

Planes and bikes. A love­ly lit­tle blue and white piper cub and an equal­ly sweet blue and white Pass­port. (Yeah it’s just a nice pic. Sooth­ing even.)


Gyro­dactylids. Par­a­sitic flat worms liv­ing on fish. Cut paper ani­ma­tion and nest­ing dolls? As always Crea­ture Cast shows you some­thing you would­n’t come across in your dai­ly read­ing of the news. (And pro­vides great exam­ples of ama­teur ani­ma­tion used as a learn­ing tool.)

Art, Images, and Design

Faces in objects, found and enhanced by Flix. Bright mecha-man goodness.

Swoon is an Amer­i­can girl in Paris and she takes us on a night-time ram­ble to install one of her wheat paste posters. Her life-size images of peo­ple stand up well to the back­ground noise of Paris.

Snip­pets (SFW) of clas­si­cal paint­ings enlarged and past­ed into new but entire­ly appro­pri­ate con­texts. Zil­da.  More (some NSFW.)

Large scale, par­tial images, hints of a sto­ry yet untold. Mesa works up some faces on a ruined wall some­where in rur­al Spain.

keep calm and car­ry on

Morning Linkage (Nov 10)


Adven­ture does not require expen­sive gear, mas­sive bikes, or exot­ic locations.

Some­where between WTF and the most insight­ful por­trait of the motor­cy­clist’s soul ever. A detail from Aki­ra Yam­aguc­chi’s The Nine Aspects. (If any­one can find a pic of the entire paint­ing please let me know.)

This one is a lit­tle bit of a gimme. I know at least two read­ers who will love any Tri­umph Scram­bler I post.


Time lapse pho­tog­ra­phy seems to have fall­en out of favor. Why? Did the won­der of watch­ing plants grown and bloom and die some­how leave the world? It’s a beau­ti­ful plan­et — all the more so because it hous­es some­thing as love­ly as the snake gourd plant or the white egret flower. Plants of Japan. (video with music)

Art, Images, and Design

These “tank totes” are a com­mon sight around here. They are car­ried around in the back of pick­up trucks by folks with less than reli­able water sup­plies. But I did­n’t know they were so cheap. Here’s a good re-use. Sig­nal lamps. Any oth­er ideas?

Ram­shackle hill­side apart­ments with too many win­dows and too few doors? No, not some sort of hell­ish slum. Nina Lind­gren’s mag­i­cal card­board houses.


I have been self­ish­ly keep­ing this one to myself for the last cou­ple of days. Alice Herz-Sommer is some­one who you have to hold in the pri­va­cy of your own heart and con­sid­er qui­et­ly before you can share her.
Trail­er for the doc­u­men­tary Alice: Danc­ing Under the Gal­lows (Video 12:11) More on Alice and the film.

Morning Linkage (Jul 27)


So much train awe­some­ness — pages and pages. Some high­lights… retro-futuristic designs, and mod­ern reuse of old­er engines. Oh, and the pigs let­ting them­selves off at the station.

Anoth­er xs650 bob­ber. Sub­tle details in the body work. Close to perfection.

Rid­den in the dirt. Nuff said.


Fried egg jel­ly­fish. The bane of my child­hood. But pret­ty dan­ged cool when giv­en the Creature-cast treatment.

Remem­ber the siphonophores from a while back? Did you know that they fig­ured in naval war­fare. Hid­ing a sub­ma­rine beneath a raft of crea­tures that sonar can’t see but can’t see through.

Art, Images, and Design

This year’s rice pad­dy art from Japan. Amaz­ing what you can do with a lit­tle plan­ning and some vari­eties of rice.

It ain’t for noth­ing that I’m known as Mizz. Shoes. This Jere­my Scott design stopped me dead in my tracks.

MOMA mul­ti­me­dia pre­sen­ta­tion for “Matisse: The Rad­i­cal Inven­tion 1913–1917″ Pic­tures and com­men­tary for most of the paint­ings and draw­ings in the exhibit.

More from Yuko. The illus­tra­tions from The Beau­ti­ful and the Grotesque are enough to make you buy the book. The jack­et back blurb will clinch the deal.

now go do some­thing wonderful

Morning Linkage (Apr 22)


Hel­lo Kit­ty tank — is there noth­ing that can not be made more
ridicu­lous with the addi­tion of pink paint and that evil feline?

I have a soft spot for Scram­blers. Maybe I’m just old school that way.
This one belongs to some guy named Mike — he’s work­ing his way through
his ’06 doing the lit­tle mods that make a good bike great.

Bike­EXIF gets it wrong again. And Bike­EX­IF’s read­ers do the spade work to iden­ti­fy the “Tri­umph” as most like­ly a BSA and the name of the cus­tom shop that built this chal­leng­ing­ly shiny bobber.

For those of you in the mar­ket for a new desk­top wall paper, there’s a Turk­ish KTM ad here might do. Depend­ing on your office culture ;-)



Japan is awash in the pulp paper ver­sions of man­ga. Here’s a wry use of the result­ing waste stream. I don’t think this farm­ing tech­nique will scale but the idea of putting seeds into the detri­tus of imag­i­na­tion pleas­es me.



We’ve all been oohing and aahing over the pho­tos of the erup­tion of Eyjaf­jal­la­jokull in Ice­land. But there are storms right here at home (well Kansas and Nebras­ka) that offer equal­ly stun­ning photo-ops. This gallery from 2004 is par­tic­u­lar­ly choice.


Art, Images, and Design

Ban­sksy’s movie “Exit Through the Gift Shop” gets a big­ger open­ing soon. Pieces of his art are show­ing up in LA.
This park­ing sign and this cop with a use­less K‑9 unit in an aban­doned park­ing garage. (video has music but not awful music) but then this hap­pened:

Exit Through the Gift Shop trail­er here.  Opens April 23 in Seattle.

and that my dears is anoth­er day…

Morning Linkage (Apr 20)


Very pret­ty bicy­cles.

A love­ly, par­tial­ly built out Tri­umph Scram­bler. Clean look­ing and I like the low­er look.

One of the women in my stone set­ting class is Aus­tri­an. We had a gig­gle the oth­er day nam­ing Aus­tri­an motor­cy­cle com­pa­nies that no one else in the class had ever heard of — all of them — and then rem­i­nisc­ing about the lit­tle Puch mope­ds.

Some damned sil­ly stunt­ing on 99 between Eugene and Junc­tion City. In, um, 1938. Sweet­ness. (Music)


Food and Packaging

Choco­late is good. The odd­ly uneven break-lines on the Bold bar are fun. The orange peel in dark choco­late just begs for taste test­ing. The white choco­late with green tea is utter­ly unap­pe­tiz­ing even if the pack­age is pretty.


Art, Images, and Design

Illus­tra­tor Iv Irlov’s work is famil­iar to many mag­a­zine read­ers. Here’s a selec­tion of his most recent images. I love the stomp­ing robots he did for CEO Magazine.

Read­ing is dan­ger­ous. Just how dan­ger­ous is shown in these post­cards from Joost Swarte. Hap­py Tin-Tin feel­ing to the images.

I have no idea what’s tem­po­rary about Gideon Chase’s tem­po­rary blog but I love his work. Things are always bro­ken. Inter­est­ing­ly broken.

…anoth­er day anoth­er post…

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