Morning Linkage (Oct 25)

New hel­mets, old CB450s by Dime City, Godet-Vincent and the repli­ca Egli. Tons of free stuff to read from Spike. Alya Mark teach­es you to cook. Mechanical won­ders in paper, charm­ing work from Andrew Pawley includ­ing a lit­tle cos­mo­naut. Playing with Light, a boy and his robot go out for sup­plies in a submarine.

Morning Linkage (Mar 3)

Transportation This is so damned close to a tri­als bike, an under­pow­ered tri­als bike. The wheel size dif­fer­ence is odd. But what the heck. There are girls pic­tured. FX-Mountain Moto. Google earth now has pic­tures of Pima and the air­plane bone­yard. Bamboo ped­al bike frames. Wicked cool mate­r­i­al sci­ence and engi­neer­ing. (Thanks M2) ——————— Science …