shiny things in messy little piles

Tag: cooking

Morning Linkage (Oct 25)


Hell for Leather dug in and got the details on the new hel­met design that has been ping-ponging around the inter­net. The tech­ni­cal details of Del Rosar­i­o’s hel­met are a lot more inter­est­ing than the space ranger looks. (Del Rosario home page.)

Anoth­er damned CB450 that I want. Dime City Cycles are evil. This is the one they built for the Dis­cov­ery Chan­nel spe­cial. They have oth­ers

Pho­tographs from the French fac­to­ry of Patrick Godet — where the Egli-Vincent is produced.

More on Godet-Vincent. Is this awe­some ded­i­ca­tion to recre­at­ing an impor­tant piece of bike his­to­ry? Or an attempt to milk a few more dol­lars out of some­one else’s cre­ation? I can’t say.


Oh heav­ens, how won­der­ful. An entire blog of car­toon cook­ing instruc­tions. Eas­i­ly leap­ing over the lan­guage bar­ri­er. Alya Mark is good.

And she’ll show you how to make a cake box out of tag board.


I am not always a fan of the reviews and inter­views at Spike mag­a­zine. But with 600 pages worth to choose from you will prob­a­bly find some­thing  you’d like to read in this col­lec­tion of essays, inter­views, and reviews.

Art, Images, and Design

Kinet­ic paper-works. Mechani­Cards are 3‑D build-it-yourself won­ders. (Or you can buy one already made up — but where’s the fun in that?) The sec­ond print­ing of the rotary engine is sure to sell out quick­ly. So get on with it.

Excel­lent lin­ear illus­tra­tions in pri­ma­ry col­ors. Andrew Paw­ley put new work up on Hire-an-Illustrator. Too many won­der­ful things to choose from. Try these.  Bath­tub, Cos­mo­naut, Oiseau.

Play­ing with Light. Short ani­ma­tion with a real sto­ry. A boy, his robot, and a lit­tle trip out to get sup­plies. Nice sound­track as well. (Video 4:00)

get mov­ing peo­ple, it’s Monday :)

Morning Linkage (Aug 16)


That gasp you just heard, that was my sweet baboo when he saw this fine Nor­ton in BRG.

Oshkosh Trucks, mak­ers of severe duty firetrucks. 0–50 in 35 sec­onds? That’s slooooow. But it has roof mount­ed water cannons.

H2 resto. If you know what this is you’re gonna be real­ly hap­py. If you don’t, well then ask…

Science and Cooking

If you have any young boys in the room you might want to send them out to play. At least until you fig­ure out a gen­tle way to explain this to them. The heart break­ing news from dino land is that there might not actu­al­ly be a tricer­atops. Uh huh. The three horned sav­age might actu­al­ly be the juve­nile form of the big­ger but some­what dull torosaurus.

O’Reil­ly is often the pub­lish­er of first resort for geek­i­ness. Now they are stretch­ing the bound­ary of what’s geeky. With recipes. A tech-ish review of Jeff Pot­ter’s “Cook­ing for Geeks” by James Kalbach.

Art, Images, and Design

Linked to by sev­er­al friends on Face­book. Ear­ly col­or pho­tographs, many repro­duced from slides. Very effec­tive depic­tions of a time in Amer­i­can his­to­ry that most of us have only seen in black and white.

Look­ing at our­selves. The idea of doing a cou­ple of 50’s “look­ing toward the future” style ads for Face­book et al sounds like a lot of fun. Add in a lit­tle Russ­ian per­spec­tive and you get some of the best sound­ing par­o­dies ever.

This past week­end was a good week­end; camp­ing, cook­ing, mete­or watch­ing, etc. Lawrence Cox has cap­tured the sense of adven­tur­ous free­dom bril­liant­ly in his illus­tra­tion of a run-away dog.

so off you go into your week,

Morning Linkage (Mar 3)


This is so damned close to a tri­als bike, an under­pow­ered tri­als bike. The wheel size dif­fer­ence is odd. But what the heck. There are girls pic­tured. FX-Mountain Moto.

Google earth now has pic­tures of Pima and the air­plane bone­yard.

Bam­boo ped­al bike frames. Wicked cool mate­r­i­al sci­ence and engi­neer­ing. (Thanks M2)



Cook­ing made us human? A look at the fos­sil record and what it has to say about the rise of big brains and cooked food.

A bit of back­ground on what an EVA entails and a guess at what it might cost.



Project Guten­berg is now putting up a dai­ly RSS feed of new addi­tions. I find it help­ful to have less than the entire­ty of PG to browse when look­ing for some­thing to read. A few days ago I found : La Sor­cière: The Witch of the Mid­dle Ages by Jules Michelet. Lush bor­der­ing in hys­ter­i­cal, when you get to this sen­tence in the intro­duc­tion you just know you’re going to stick around to see the end.

Witch­es they are by nature.” It is a gift pecu­liar to woman and her
tem­pera­ment. By birth a fay, by the reg­u­lar recur­rence of her ecstasy
she becomes a sibyl. By her love she grows into an enchantress. By her
sub­tle­ty, by a rogu­ish­ness often whim­si­cal and benef­i­cent, she becomes
a Witch; she works her spells; does at any rate lull our pains to rest
and beguile them.”


Art, Design, Architecture, and Images

Hydro-floors. How to have a pool and a yoga stu­dio in one space. It’s vast­ly cool.

A bit of a snick­er here. The com­mon milk cre­ate is essen­tial to camp­ing, even if you’re trav­el­ing by space capsule.

Charles Harp­er was a pro­lif­ic mid-century illus­tra­tor whose style you will rec­og­nize. In a nice mix of two of my favorite things, his  illus­tra­tions for the Bet­ty Crock­er Din­ner for Two Cook­book. Scans on Flickr. I agree with Matt from Drawn, this one should be rewrit­ten and reis­sued with the orig­i­nal illos.

Tilt-shift video. Yes, video. A day in the life of NYC. Sam O’Hare. (Music)

I’m run­ning late, le sigh.