Morning Linkage (Oct 21)

All the Honda CBs you can use: CB450 cafe style, CB550 nice mods, CB750 police cruis­er. Racing in REDLINE com­ing in spring? Butterflies in the Amazon. Ghosties, ghoulies, and stuffed squir­rels. And if that’s not enough Guillermo Garcia Carsi’s cube fish.

Morning Linkage (Mar 24)

Transportation From Life mag­a­zine. Daytona in 1948. 22 pics. Take your time. Another CB750, this one from Chicago. I like the rough edges. Or per­haps this one — a tad rougher. —————— Society and Culture (Food) Foodie Trend Watch. Your cup­cakes are no longer cool, hip, and indis­pens­able for (adult) birth­day par­ties. Meet the dough­nuts, the new …