Coal gas had a brief appearance on the stage of alternate fuels in the
mid ‘teens. Here’s a Campion (British) made bike with it’s gas bag held proudly aloft..
The Boeing 787 has flexi-wings. Just how flexible is demonstrated in
this picture. Take the man’s advice. Click for the full effect.
There’s a slew of news about the Magpul-Ronin in the last week. Rumors
of some sort of limited production run, or maybe a conversion kit. The
forks are mysterious/kinky and the tank is dull. A couple of nice
galleries for your enjoyment.]
Society, Culture, and Literature
The 2010 Hugo Nominees have been announced. Search for your favorites
or score some new material for the bedside table.
Art, Images, and Design
The fruits of your barbaric pagan rites of spring. Cutest Easter egg art ever.
Optimus Prime — created from real car parts, and anything else they
could find out back. Awesome, ready to rule, and for sale. Fashion
Warning: Pink Leg Warmers.
More found object sculpture — party cups and plastic eating utensils
create … a dragon. (Artist’s other work includes nudes — caution on
click through.)
Really nice work with geometry. Danish jeweler Teodor Lulchev.
There is someone who collects pictures of everything. This collection
of images of the abandoned bicycles of NYC is a small treasure.
Excellent stop-motion graffiti animation by Broken Fingaz. Grey scale
+ red, and mad drawing skillz. I enjoyed the music; your cube mates
probably won’t. (Sound)
yup, it’s that day again — now get out there and make some mayhem,