Morning Linkage (Oct 18)


Not near­ly enough infor­ma­tion on this super lit­tle Honda. But the brake disks prob­a­bly out­weight the engine by half.

Vincent over at Southsiders writes about the Shady Dell Vintage Trailer Camp in Bisbee Arizona. Excellently pho­tographed and pre­sent­ed. And there’s a “walk around” pre­sen­ta­tion on the Shady Dell site. Click on “Virtual Tour” in the top nav.

IP and Technology

Another patent troll — this time claim­ing to own the rollover. Webvention. Who the heck is… Interesting choice of price point for “licens­ing” and a real­ly poor choice of well-capitalized tar­get. But most­ly you need to see the troll doll post image cho­sen by the wits at Ars.

Art, Images, and Design

This most awe­some tin-can dog look­ing out the space port-hole is from Denise Van Leeuwen for Planet Adventures writ­ten by Krista Izelaar. Many more images from the book.

I’ll save you the cost of pur­chas­ing the October Harper’s Bazaar by send­ing you to this Wicked Halo recap of the fab­u­lous exploitation/pulp inspired fall frock lay­out “Mystery in the Moonlight.” (Don’t both­er with the music video at the bot­tom. Dullsville.)

More pulp pret­ties. From the first image in the col­lec­tion — lady in a leop­ard print biki­ni accom­pa­nied  by a black pan­ther in a tree — you know that Dave Stevens’ over the top females on pulp cov­ers are going to make your day. (NSFW — sadly)


Music video mash-ups are rarely worth the 3:23 that you put into watch­ing them. Not in this case. “Stayin’ Alive in the Wall” is proof that Terpsichore has a sense of humor. (Video/Music 3:23)

Morning Linkage (Oct 8)

Transportation and Photography

1976 Benelli 750 SEI. Pure sex appeal.

Really big rock­et engines… and trains. A Soyuz gets to the launch pad.

Sometimes you just need to know a guy. A guy whose grand­fa­ther raced Italian motor­cy­cles in the 20’s and 30’s. A cache of pho­tos from Alfredo Panella’s grand­son.

Piling moun­tains of things on lit­tle wheeled vehi­cles. Brought to an art form in Shanghai.


Jordan Smith cre­ates the trail­er for Bryan Talbot’s graph­ic nov­el Grandville Mon Amour. (NSFW — ani­mal char­ac­ters engag­ing in noir violence)

Also noir but much more light-hearted, an addict and his poi­son. Key Lime Pie. Another cute Death. Blame Coilhouse, I do.

and… it’s over, see you all next week,

Morning Linkage (Oct 7)


You *can* go back in time. To your hap­py tod­dler days. With this grownup sized Radio Flyer.

LIFE’s archives have yield­ed a num­ber of motor­cy­cle themed col­lec­tions. A friend recent­ly remind­ed me of the 1948 Daytona set you’ve seen here before. There’s a new set of images. All but one of these Hell’s Angels images from 1965 were nev­er pub­lished. A reminder of a time when HA was more about bikes, rid­ing, and carous­ing than cor­po­rate struc­ture and meth dis­tri­b­u­tion deals.

New from Deus. Le Moulin Rouge. Simplicity. The front forks intrigue me. 2 gal­leries, use the scroll bar at the bot­tom to view.

Engineering, Construction

Legos. BrickCon 2010. Photo overview. Loving the dinosaurs.

Bldgblog dis­cuss­es the doc­u­men­tary “The Solitary Life of Cranes” by Eva Weber who is also respon­si­ble for “City of Cranes.”  The life and out­look of the men who sit in the lit­tle cab at the top of the tallest objects in our cities — the con­struc­tion cranes.

Art, Images, and Design

Color wheels are an ubiq­ui­tous tool for design­ers but they did­n’t always exist. Imprint takes a look at the his­to­ry of illus­trat­ing col­or rela­tion­ships from line charts, to wheels, to spheres, to a fab­u­lous set of umbrel­las. (2 parts)

From Animalarium, the most crea­ture like of Jacek Yerka’s soft­ly col­ored, dreamt of ani­mals. And more of his meta­mor­phic land­scapes.

If only my hair was still long enough to braid. The best girl in the world. Pippi.

be good to your­selves today,

Morning Linkage (Oct 5)


The most won­der­ful vehi­cle in the world (accord­ing to sev­er­al of my friends) is the VW bus. In this case, the icon­ic split-window ver­sion with com­pa­ny logos and colors.

Nice visu­al wrap up to the Cannonball Endurance Rally. (Vintage bikes)

Moving a lit­tle faster. This video teach­es you “How to Lean on a BMW S1000RR” The lack of steer­ing head move­ment (except when pulling the clutch) is aston­ish­ing. (Video)


Righthaven, a name that you nev­er want to see on an enve­lope in today’s mail. The single-purpose copy­right enforce­ment law firm has final­ly offered up the per­fect (?) case for the EFF to test the lim­its of fair-use in the web.

Art, Images, and Design

All our stuff. In the 1990’s Peter Menzel made a series of pho­tographs for a book about all our stuff. 30 fam­i­lies out­side their homes will all their pos­ses­sions around them. Material World: A Global Family Portrait. (NPR gives 12 of the orig­i­nal 30 por­traits.) And now two Chinese pho­tog­ra­phers have repeat­ed the exer­cise for the diverse regions of China.

High Def isn’t just for TV. HaltaDefinizione. HAL9000 uses new tech to pro­duce incred­i­bly detailed images of old pic­tures. Stunning. Read about the tech­nol­o­gy here. Look at the images here (in Italian — just click on stuff you’ll be fine.)

A1One has been work­ing the streets of Tehran for quite a while now. This lim­it­ed edi­tion of prints com­bines tra­di­tion­al Persian cal­lig­ra­phy and his own sig style.  I also admire his recy­cling of used spray cans.

time to fix more borken stuff,

Morning Linakge (Oct 4)


Over at WebUrbanist, Steve Levenstein gives us a heav­i­ly illus­trat­ed overview of the con­stant­ly chang­ing art on the cars at the Cadillac Ranch. I did­n’t know just how inten­tion­al the invi­ta­tion to pass­ing graf­fi­ti artists was.

DiscoveryHD brings us a 2 part doc­u­men­tary on the Cafe Racer sub-culture. Airing Oct 13 and 14. Fire up the Betamax Ethel.

For all I know this web page is adver­tis­ing bogus “like a tiger” nos­trums. It’s in Japanese, I don’t feel like deal­ing with the trans­la­tor. I just want you to see the pic­ture of the 70’s era wall of death rid­ers.

Okay I lied, I did trans­late it and it’s the web page for Din Tai Fung Speed Stunt Troupe. There’s a few more pic­tures here.


The total­ly awe­some adven­ture of two guys, a lit­tle video cam­era, and a heli­um filled weath­er bal­loon. Not quite to infin­i­ty and beyond, but to the edge of space and back.  The footage from the flight will make you feel both small com­pared to the vast­ness just out of our reach and proud to be a mem­ber of such a curi­ous species.

Somewhat spe­cial­ized and tech­ni­cal, but of inter­est to the pho­tog­ra­phers and web geeks in the group. Google has pro­posed, demo’d, and open sourced for pub­lic use, the exper­i­men­tal new image com­pres­sion tech­nique WebP as an alter­na­tive to the com­mon­ly used jpeg com­pres­sion tech­niques. Your opin­ion on the qual­i­ty of the com­pressed images?

Art, Images, and Design

A new wall por­trait by Vhils for the Nuart show in Norway. Created by cut­ting, (drilling, punch­ing, and pound­ing) into the lay­ers of fin­ish on a wall. More infor­ma­tion on Alexandre Farto (aka Vhils) and more walls.

Object of desire — but unavail­able at this moment. Pint Size has a water bot­tle. Pint size appears — inex­plic­a­bly — in the com­ic Questionable Content.

Practicality-stretching design exer­cis­es are all over the inter­net. Beds that do origa­mi to hide away dur­ing the day, cof­fee tables with inter­est­ing shapes but no place to put a cup or a mag­a­zine, it’s goes on and on. Most of these exist only in ren­der­ing files but once in a while… A swing set like din­ing table and chairs. Um, no drink­ing at this din­ner par­ty, okay?

Two min­utes of Monday humor. If it’s rain­ing on you too this morn­ing I hope you find a big guy with an umbrel­la.  Manfred. (Animation — 2:00)

keep calm and car­ry on,