shiny things in messy little piles

Tag: architecture

Morning Linkage (Jan 25)


Spark­ly orange paint and a nitrous tank. I so want to hate this bike, but I can’t quite man­age it. It’s scruffy and over the top, but it’s utter­ly charm­ing in that torn-up eared tom-cat kind of way. But it’s a CB750, so what do you expect?

Hap­py words make a bike. Bicy­cle Typogram.  Bonus, pics of the press and the print­ing of the image.

Page down once, 1929 Nean­der. Per­fec­tion.

Art, Images, and Design

Late­ly a lot of things in my life have been appear­ing in twos. Odd linked images that tie across media. Here’s a mys­tery pho­to of a build­ing that appears to be float­ing in the air (prob­a­bly a load­ing shed for fer­til­iz­er trucks) and one of my favorite movies “Howl’s Mov­ing Cas­tle” tied up together.

The first time I heard of a pan­golin it was on the cov­er of a text book in school (Mary Dou­glas’s Implic­it Mean­ings.) The ani­mal fas­ci­nat­ed me. Still does. And I’m not the only one. A back­pack and an over the shoul­der bag inspired by the spiny anteater cre­at­ed by Cyclus and made of recy­cled inner tubes. Goth? Punk? I’m vot­ing new-animist.

Oh wow. You can still license Jim Flo­ra art for your album/CD. I may have to go back to plan­ning on being a rock­’n’roll star when I grow up.

Culture and Its Institutions

And trav­el­ing on from the oh wow jim flo­ra… to ARC, Artist’s Record­ing Col­lec­tive. A new busi­ness mod­el for pack­ag­ing, dis­trib­ut­ing, and pro­mot­ing music. One of sev­er­al ven­tures attempt­ing to make the new media and dis­tri­b­u­tion chan­nels serve the artist first.

Final Thought

Infor­ma­tion you need, a female demon who forces men to speak when they should­n’t. Uh huh.

Morning Linkage (Nov 10)


Adven­ture does not require expen­sive gear, mas­sive bikes, or exot­ic locations.

Some­where between WTF and the most insight­ful por­trait of the motor­cy­clist’s soul ever. A detail from Aki­ra Yam­aguc­chi’s The Nine Aspects. (If any­one can find a pic of the entire paint­ing please let me know.)

This one is a lit­tle bit of a gimme. I know at least two read­ers who will love any Tri­umph Scram­bler I post.


Time lapse pho­tog­ra­phy seems to have fall­en out of favor. Why? Did the won­der of watch­ing plants grown and bloom and die some­how leave the world? It’s a beau­ti­ful plan­et — all the more so because it hous­es some­thing as love­ly as the snake gourd plant or the white egret flower. Plants of Japan. (video with music)

Art, Images, and Design

These “tank totes” are a com­mon sight around here. They are car­ried around in the back of pick­up trucks by folks with less than reli­able water sup­plies. But I did­n’t know they were so cheap. Here’s a good re-use. Sig­nal lamps. Any oth­er ideas?

Ram­shackle hill­side apart­ments with too many win­dows and too few doors? No, not some sort of hell­ish slum. Nina Lind­gren’s mag­i­cal card­board houses.


I have been self­ish­ly keep­ing this one to myself for the last cou­ple of days. Alice Herz-Sommer is some­one who you have to hold in the pri­va­cy of your own heart and con­sid­er qui­et­ly before you can share her.
Trail­er for the doc­u­men­tary Alice: Danc­ing Under the Gal­lows (Video 12:11) More on Alice and the film.

Morning Linkage (Jun 2)


Hell for Leather brings you the Garage Com­pa­ny in it’s new loca­tion. View full screen and scroll right for for tons of photos.

Pissed Off Pete. A log truck con­vert­ed to hot rod and drag rac­er. No account­ing for taste. I just like it.

This is the pret­ti­est restora­tion I’ve seen in a while. ’37 Sun­beam. Bike that is. Enjoy the gallery.


Um, I think I may have been mis­tak­en a cou­ple of weeks ago when I told you about how the moon makes the tides. Kit­teh explains to Pip.

More from Crea­ture Cast. If you hold your breathe when you dive into the deep end of the pool, what does a Nau­tilus do when it dives into the deep end of the ocean? Hold it’s heart like a turtle.

Art, Images, and Design

Car­lo Gian­fer­ro takes pho­tographs of domes­tic inte­ri­ors. A unique and pro­found­ly effec­tive form of por­trai­ture. These pic­tures of gyp­sy inte­ri­ors and their inhab­i­tants intro­duced me to a visu­al lan­guage that I have nev­er seen. A chaot­ic mashup of East­ern and West­ern styles. Baroque and super-saturated. I want the red kitchen :-)

The exte­ri­ors of the gyp­sy hous­es are as much of a pas­tiche as the interiors.

And now a sim­ple, util­i­tar­i­an design to cleanse the mind palette. A tran­sit pass good for the week of Jun 24, 1939 bear­ing an adver­tise­ment for the Moose Cir­cus. — 20 thrilling acts, too big for roof or tent! — Found in a copy of  Witch Wood by John Buchanan.

The wan­der­ing bear returns today, there may be no link­age tomorrow.