shiny things in messy little piles

Tag: autumn

In Autumn

yellow moon
amber mum
question of bridges that go nowhere
smell of paper, hot out of the printer
something golden that 
was alive just yesterday
but today smells newly, richly dead.

First pub­lished in Door is a Jar 

Morning Linkage (Nov 9)


No mat­ter how you feel about cig­a­rettes and smok­ing and adver­tis­ing, if you’re over 35 you’ll always asso­ciate the Camel brand with motor­cy­cles. This col­lec­tion of Camel ads has too many of the car­toon camels but there are a cou­ple of prizes. A rough side­hack on the beach, a full page of army motos from the 40’s, and AMA Pro dirt bikes (60’s?)

Wash­ing­ton State Trans­porta­tion Depart­ment is one of the finest exam­ples of a gov­ern­ment agency using social media in its out­reach. Yeah, yeah, I hear you ask­ing what’s this doing in the trans­porta­tion sec­tion… the WSDOT blog recent­ly announced that their Flickr stream, begun in 2007,has reached the amaz­ing mile­stone of 10,000,000 views. That’s right 10 mil­lion. Go have a look around, you’ll find some­thing that astounds you. I promise.

I have nev­er seen the BMW R7 pro­to­type based on the 1930’s star frame before. I am smit­ten. Also a Type 255 Rennsport. The Vin­ta­gen­t’s excel­lent round-up of BMWs pre­sent­ed at the Paris pho­to equip­ment trade show.


Ten love­ly images of the struc­tures of the brain. The start­ing point for Carl Shoonover’s new book Por­traits of the Mind: Visu­al­iz­ing the Brain from Antiq­ui­ty to the 21st Cen­tu­ry. And again remind­ing us that Richard Axel was right when he “sci­ence with­out enchant­ment is noth­ing! (via my friend T and Simon Mainwaring)

Art, Images, and Design

Mak­ing a virtue of neces­si­ty. If you have to run con­duit and wires on the sur­face of con­crete walls you may as well make an aes­thet­ic state­ment with it.

Koikoikoi selects 28 black and white por­traits from Nobuyu­ki Taguchi’s large vol­ume of work.

If you pre­fer some­thing in col­or, how about this set, also from Taguchi. Mak­ing pointe shoes at the Freed of Lon­don factory.

Reli­quar­ies are one of my favorite for­mats for art. Coil­house fea­tures three new paint­ings in the form of reli­quar­ies by Made­line von Foer­ster.  A much larg­er image of The Red Thread is cur­rent­ly on the front page of the artist’s site. (NSFW — artis­tic nudes)

We are remind­ed that in some parts of the world, autumn is a time of fine, soft light rather than murky gray.

Tues­day — at least it’s not Mon­day and I used to like Mondays :(