shiny things in messy little piles

Tag: black and white (Page 1 of 2)

Morning Linkage (Nov 9)


No mat­ter how you feel about cig­a­rettes and smok­ing and adver­tis­ing, if you’re over 35 you’ll always asso­ciate the Camel brand with motor­cy­cles. This col­lec­tion of Camel ads has too many of the car­toon camels but there are a cou­ple of prizes. A rough side­hack on the beach, a full page of army motos from the 40’s, and AMA Pro dirt bikes (60’s?)

Wash­ing­ton State Trans­porta­tion Depart­ment is one of the finest exam­ples of a gov­ern­ment agency using social media in its out­reach. Yeah, yeah, I hear you ask­ing what’s this doing in the trans­porta­tion sec­tion… the WSDOT blog recent­ly announced that their Flickr stream, begun in 2007,has reached the amaz­ing mile­stone of 10,000,000 views. That’s right 10 mil­lion. Go have a look around, you’ll find some­thing that astounds you. I promise.

I have nev­er seen the BMW R7 pro­to­type based on the 1930’s star frame before. I am smit­ten. Also a Type 255 Rennsport. The Vin­ta­gen­t’s excel­lent round-up of BMWs pre­sent­ed at the Paris pho­to equip­ment trade show.


Ten love­ly images of the struc­tures of the brain. The start­ing point for Carl Shoonover’s new book Por­traits of the Mind: Visu­al­iz­ing the Brain from Antiq­ui­ty to the 21st Cen­tu­ry. And again remind­ing us that Richard Axel was right when he “sci­ence with­out enchant­ment is noth­ing! (via my friend T and Simon Mainwaring)

Art, Images, and Design

Mak­ing a virtue of neces­si­ty. If you have to run con­duit and wires on the sur­face of con­crete walls you may as well make an aes­thet­ic state­ment with it.

Koikoikoi selects 28 black and white por­traits from Nobuyu­ki Taguchi’s large vol­ume of work.

If you pre­fer some­thing in col­or, how about this set, also from Taguchi. Mak­ing pointe shoes at the Freed of Lon­don factory.

Reli­quar­ies are one of my favorite for­mats for art. Coil­house fea­tures three new paint­ings in the form of reli­quar­ies by Made­line von Foer­ster.  A much larg­er image of The Red Thread is cur­rent­ly on the front page of the artist’s site. (NSFW — artis­tic nudes)

We are remind­ed that in some parts of the world, autumn is a time of fine, soft light rather than murky gray.

Tues­day — at least it’s not Mon­day and I used to like Mondays :(

Morning Linkage (Nov 8)


Mooneyes, Yoko­hama Cus­tom Show. Yeah — none of us are gonna be there but this getting-ready video gives a nice overview of cus­tom bike and rod builders in the US at the moment. “Demo reel” for this year and last year. Nice video — nasty music.

Much more fun can be had on the Mooneyes web­site. The loud, crowd­ed feel of a 60’s hot rod mag­a­zine in a brows­er. And they sell dog toys? (Hid­den Diaz bonus: pho­tos from a VW Type 2 par­ty in Sept.)

A lit­tle clas­sic Ducati to get your moto week off to a good start.

Food and Science

Truf­fles, black truf­fles not the choco­late kind, have com­pli­cat­ed sex lives. And same-sex dorms.

The sweet irony of find­ing dinosaur fos­sils in church mar­ble is too hard to pass up. And the bonus of the rec­om­men­da­tions for a cou­ple of cool urban geol­o­gy books makes this a must-link for a Monday.

Art, Images, and Design

Explo­sions of organ­ic shapes and col­or. Many lay­ered cut paper cre­ations of Simone Louren­co. Much, much more in the port­fo­lio.

Appar­ent­ly I am hope­less­ly out of date. Not only can’t iden­ti­fy most of the musi­cians asso­ci­at­ed with these clothes when I looked up the answers I did­n’t know who a good hand­ful of them were. Can you do bet­ter? Ensem­ble: The Style of Music, 20 musi­cians iden­ti­fied by their clothing.

More images from music. This essay on Elvis Pres­ley fea­tures some of the best rock and roll pho­tog­ra­phy. Black and whites from the 50’s and 60’s.

We make our cities in our own images. And when we make films we make new cities to express our new vision. A look at a hand­ful of icon­ic cin­e­ma cities going back to 1927 (Metrop­o­lis.)

alright my dears, let’s make this week just a smidgen bet­ter than last week shall we?

Morning Linkage (Nov 5)


I have no expla­na­tion for the face paint that match­es the hel­met. But it’s the nicest B&W bike pic I’ve seen this week.

Vin­ta­gent pulls togeth­er a brief his­to­ry of a 1938 BSA Gold Star for sale in Oz. Bonus pic of the “movie-star hand­some”  Wal Han­d­ley who earned the cov­et­ed gold star at Brook­lands for BSA.

None of the rac­ers I know has this kind of class. The FIAT trans­porter that fer­ried around the Fer­rari cars in the late 1950s isn’t exact­ly with­in the bud­getary con­straints of most of my rac­er mates either.

Offi­cer Silent is sneak­ing up behind you. First it was the elec­tric cars in the NYC fleet. Now Utah based ATK would like to sell your local LEOs some elec­tric bikes.


The physics of the wet-dog shake (as well as mice, rats, and griz­zly bears.)

Why do gigan­tic pump­kins always look like they were left in the sun and melt­ed? All squat and squashed? There’s an answer to that. It’s a bet­ter shape than round for grow­ing out sized squash.

Art. Images, and Design

Ani­malar­i­um high­lights the ani­mals por­trayed in the work of two Finnish illus­tra­tors. San­na Annuk­ka whose work for Marimekko you can find on her web­site. (The look into the pro­duc­tion process for Marimekko fab­rics is cool.) And Klaus Haa­panie­mi whose large-scale pic­tures of fan­ci­ful ani­mals always make me smile.

The Book or Rev­e­la­tions is puz­zling to even the most devote of schol­ars. Com­men­taries have been writ­ten through­out the cen­turies. Bib­liodyssey brings images from the Bea­t­us Apoc­a­lypse. Noah’s ark fea­tures some par­tic­u­lar­i­ty unset­tling animals.

I have to agree. The posters for Black Swan are so unlike the usu­al run of actor’s faces poor­ly pho­to­shopped onto stand-ins’ air­brushed bod­ies in front of CGI explo­sions that at first I did­n’t real­ize that Black Swan was a movie. (It’s a ballet/psychological thriller movie. Who’s going with me?)

Love­ly cal­lig­ra­phy exe­cut­ed on video. Lega­cy of Let­ters pro­mo piece. Luca Bar­cel­lon­a’s econ­o­my of motion while let­ter­ing is amaz­ing. (Video)


When you have a band named the Kandin­sky Effect. the best pos­si­ble pro­mo video would fea­ture a piece (or two) of Kandin­sky art, no? (Video)

But is you need some­thing a lit­tle less high-brow you can’t go wrong with the episode of Saari. A preschool pro­gram designed by a Finn and pro­duced in Spain. Charm­ing. (Video)

And that’s it for this week. be hap­py, have fun, be safe.

Morning Linkage (Oct 7)


You *can* go back in time. To your hap­py tod­dler days. With this grownup sized Radio Fly­er.

LIFE’s archives have yield­ed a num­ber of motor­cy­cle themed col­lec­tions. A friend recent­ly remind­ed me of the 1948 Day­tona set you’ve seen here before. There’s a new set of images. All but one of these Hel­l’s Angels images from 1965 were nev­er pub­lished. A reminder of a time when HA was more about bikes, rid­ing, and carous­ing than cor­po­rate struc­ture and meth dis­tri­b­u­tion deals.

New from Deus. Le Moulin Rouge. Sim­plic­i­ty. The front forks intrigue me. 2 gal­leries, use the scroll bar at the bot­tom to view.

Engineering, Construction

Legos. Brick­Con 2010. Pho­to overview. Lov­ing the dinosaurs.

Bldg­blog dis­cuss­es the doc­u­men­tary “The Soli­tary Life of Cranes” by Eva Weber who is also respon­si­ble for “City of Cranes.”  The life and out­look of the men who sit in the lit­tle cab at the top of the tallest objects in our cities — the con­struc­tion cranes.

Art, Images, and Design

Col­or wheels are an ubiq­ui­tous tool for design­ers but they did­n’t always exist. Imprint takes a look at the his­to­ry of illus­trat­ing col­or rela­tion­ships from line charts, to wheels, to spheres, to a fab­u­lous set of umbrel­las. (2 parts)

From Ani­malar­i­um, the most crea­ture like of Jacek Yerka’s soft­ly col­ored, dreamt of ani­mals. And more of his meta­mor­phic land­scapes.

If only my hair was still long enough to braid. The best girl in the world. Pip­pi.

be good to your­selves today,

Morning Linkage (Aug 20)


Cher­ry picked from the var­i­ous flickr tags and a cou­ple of col­lec­tor web­sites. Dark Roast Blend brings you Clas­sic Trash Trucks. Includ­ing a Dempsey Dump­mas­ter seen all over West­ern PA dur­ing my child­hood and ori­gin of the term Dempsey Dump­ster for a drop box. I did­n’t know they had any oth­er name until I was in my 20s.

If the H1 were a lad, it would be the sort of boy you des­per­ate­ly hoped your daugh­ter would­n’t bring home. Fast, noisy, dan­ger­ous — and such bril­liant fun to be with.” A nice write up about one of the first hooli­gan bikes. A pleas­ant stroll down mem­o­ry lane for one or two of my fav boys.

Rumors, teasers, pho­to gal­leries. It’s all here. Now if KTM would just give us a date and a price for the lit­tle 125 stunter we’d all be happy.

Ancient Cultures and Archeology

We’re so used to the view of clas­si­cal Greece as a white mar­ble par­adise that we build our own great mon­u­ments to look like them. Um, not so fast. The Wash­ing­ton Post exam­ines the ori­gin of the clas­si­cal look

… and Colour Lovers gives us a look at what those cold clas­si­cal fig­ures actu­al­ly looked like in glo­ri­ous col­or. (Oh my eyes)

Art, Images, and Design

The take away from this col­lec­tion of Japan­ese sub­way posters is — don’t take up more than your fair share of space, remem­ber your umbrel­la, and don’t drop your chew­ing gum on the floor. M’kay? I love the graphics.

I enjoy the dai­ly image or two from Cov­ered, a blog that posts clas­sic com­ic book cov­ers re-drawn by con­tem­po­rary artists. Some days they’re nice but unre­mark­able. Some days you get this won­der­ful rework­ing of a Tin-Tin cover.

Hours and hours of look­ing and dream­ing. Over 100 maps, new, old, and some­times incom­pre­hen­si­ble.

Black & white Hong Kong. Pho­tographs by Fan Ho. I am par­tic­u­lar­ly tak­en by the images col­lect­ed in “The Liv­ing Theater”

move along now, you have things to do.

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