shiny things in messy little piles

Tag: triumph (Page 1 of 4)

Morning Linkage (Jan 20)


A lit­tle classier than most junk yard scrounged house­wares. Tri­umph teamed up with the Birm­ing­ham City Uni­ver­si­ty’s Insti­tute of Art and Design to get stu­dents design­ing home fur­nish­ings built out of bike parts. A cou­ple of these are ‘teh awesome.’

CB 750’s redone as cafe rac­ers. I love ’em but it takes some­thing a lit­tle extra to catch my eye late­ly. I think the stripped down, low chrome con­tent of Mil­i­tary Gold by the Span­ish house Cafe Rac­er Dreams might have just that.

Art, Images. and Design

I do not know what to make of the sto­ry syn­op­sis for Fur of the Glacial Mouse but the image of two fox­es watch­ing a train run through a val­ley on a pale moon lit win­ter’s night is a good one.

Giant creepy Russ­ian fairy tale night­mare with a king, a cat, a frog, and a ginor­moust all-seeing eye. Yup, I still love Steven Dai­ly. Covenant show­ing at La Luz de Jesus in LA.

Not every­one here is a fash­ion fool like I am. Does­n’t real­ly mat­ter. If you like the idea of there being peo­ple on this earth who look intent­ly at what’s going on around them every sin­gle day, then you’re going to like this inter­view with Scott Schu­mann a.k.a. the Sar­to­ri­al­ist. (Video 7:11)


The wrong things… scary clown heads may be a good sub­sti­tute for the flames com­ing out of the anti-aircraft guns but the egre­gious use of Christ­mas items, rib­bons, bows, and glass tree orna­ments… Kaboom. PES again (Video 1:10, audio is loud)

Morning Linkage (Jan 13)


Night Mar­ket. Or what to do with a box truck on a Sat­ur­day night in San Fran­sis­co. Wheels have always been our tick­et to the lim­i­nal places.

The first per­son who does the math and points out to me that $2995 in 1962 dol­lars is … hey wait a minute. That’s only $22K in 2010. I want my Porsche Speed­ster!

This should be so wrong, but I love it. A ‘67 Tri­umph Tiger. Cus­tom and orange. And any­one who is will­ing to cus­tom machine his own brass…

Cool Tools

Hot knives are a sta­ple with the prop, decor, and fan­ta­sy object build­ing types. It’s the only way to cut Sty­ro­foam, foam rub­ber, and a hand­ful of oth­er mate­ri­als. But most hot cut­ters use a straight wire so get­ting any sort of con­tour is a long, fid­dly job. Not any more. Bend­able wire to the res­cue. A Prox­xon hot wire cut­ter will make that next set of drag­on scales a cinch!

Art, Images, and Design

This intri­cate­ly detailed and some­what fan­ci­ful cross sec­tion of the Kowloon walled city was drawn by a Japan­ese team just before the city was lev­eled in 1993. And some fol­low up in the com­ments on doobybrain.

To cre­ate a map of a place from mem­o­ry is to your soul. Maps Drawn from Mem­o­ry is was the name a Flickr pool and Visu­al News grabbed a hand­ful of the best and offered them up with link to the Google maps of the actu­al loca­tions. If you care about real­i­ty. Which you won’t when you’ve seen the much more human ver­sions of places that live in the artist’s head. (SFW)

The Flickr pool has been changed to from “Maps Drawn from Mem­o­ry” to sim­ply “From Mem­o­ry” and is, sad­ly, no longer sole­ly about maps. (And is now NSFW)

A pho­tog­ra­pher’s body of work. The images she cre­ates from the time she first picks up a cam­era until her death can be the most illu­mi­nat­ing record of a life, and the time and place that it was lived. John Mal­oof found and pur­chased the near­ly com­plete works of one woman, Vivian Maier, who lived, worked, and pho­tographed in Chica­go from the 1950s through the 1990s. Here are just a hand­ful of her images. I sus­pect there will be con­tro­ver­sy in the com­ing months as the full sto­ry of the dis­cov­ery, pur­chase, and lan­guish­ing of these pic­tures comes out. But you need to have a first look at them now, while they are still new and intrigu­ing. More of Vivian Maier’s photos.


Claim­ing to be the world’s small­est stop-motion ani­ma­tion, cre­at­ed by Aard­man and shot using a Nokia 8 and the field med­ical Cellscope tech­nol­o­gy (yes, that’s a cell phone used as a micro­scope) — Dot. Also a mak­ing of video, and a time-lapse of the shoot­ing rig. The phone, the mag­ni­fy­ing lens, the 3‑d print­er… oh hel­lz this is the best gig­gle I’ve has all day.

Morning Linkage (Dec 17)


It start­ed with see­ing the pho­to of a team of rac­ers in front of a BA Air Fer­ry on one of the ran­dom bike pic blogs. And went on from there until I came to this full report on the 1967 Zand­voort Sprint. Pho­tos, videos, and lots of words.

Oh if only he had roughed up the front forks. Just a lit­tle. It would be a per­fect rat. Or near enough. XS650.

Ini­tial­ly mis­named but now cor­rect­ly iden­ti­fied. I just like that this Nor­ton looks so hap­py to sit­ting out there wait­ing it’s turn.


My world has just became a sig­nif­i­cant­ly bet­ter place. I now know that it has pale­o­mag­netists in it. Sci­en­tists who study the his­to­ry of the changes of the earth­’s mag­net­ic field. And now they’ve dis­cov­ered some unprece­dent­ed­ly rapid shifts that occurred about 3000 years ago. By study­ing the mag­net­ic sig­na­tures of heaps of slag left over from smelt­ing cop­per in the Mid­dle East.

Order breaks down into dis­or­der in a very order­ly way. Video demon­strat­ing an aspect of non-linear physics.

Art, Images, and Design

Old hard dri­ves. New toys. And then there are the pic­tures of the lit­tle guys tak­ing the machines apart. Joy.

A reminder that the Space Nee­dle was once new, and that graph­ic design in the ear­ly 60’s had some moments of brilliance.

Week­end DIY cam­era rigs for tak­ing high-speed, super close, mul­ti­ple expo­sures, or just look at the amaz­ing pictures. 

…he want­ed to cap­ture fly­ing insects, such as the hon­ey­bee above. “I have a prob­lem with killing them, plus they don’t fly when they’re dead,”

as well as but­ter­fly wing scales and mag­net­ic ferrofluids.


Team­Cer­f’s Meet Buck illus­trates the exis­ten­tial… um, shows fol­ly as… er, … it’s fun­ny, okay?

Morning Linkage (Nov 11)

Transportation — Pretty Bike Thursday

I do not have the time to crawl through the moun­tain­ous pile of images on ADV Rid­er. Luck­i­ly I have friends who do. MV Augus­ta 750S.

Anoth­er bit of his­to­ry goes up for auc­tion.  Bob­by Sirkegian’s 1953 Tri­umph drag rac­er “Pret­ty Boy II

A nice lit­tle RD400 cus­tom. Noth­ing extra, just enough to make it sweet. Nice resurrection.


I have a lot of pho­tog­ra­phers among my read­ers. So the occa­sion­al pho­to­graph­ic DIY is always wel­come. Maybe you all would like to learn a lit­tle about cap­tur­ing images of the sun? Wired Sci­ence brings you the sto­ry and tech­niques behind Alan Fried­man’s mind blow­ing sun photo.

Art, Images, and Design

Not your dad­dy’s Dis­ney. Four great muta­tions of the Mouse and the Duck. Then four rather dull and pre­dictable waifish girls. And then… then, Odo cre­ates some Ben­der fabulousness.

Paco Pomet’s quirky, spooky paint­ings. Click around a bit. You’ll espe­cial­ly like Fab­u­la (far right col­umn — 4th down.)

Vincent.zp is a fan of pack­ag­ing and indus­tri­al design. Among his many col­lec­tions is a Flickr stream of face pow­der box­es. Calm, love­ly pack­ag­ing for a prod­uct not often seen today. The Three Flow­ers box was post­ed on Amy Cre­hore’s blog last week. And the masked char­ac­ter on this box of Cipria Masche­ri­na is my cur­rent favorite. There are dozens of oth­er inspir­ing images to found here.


God, I hate OK GO music, but seri­ous­ly, ani­ma­tion on toast. It can’t fail. Bonus fish play­ing a guitar.

I’m off to be very cul­tured (Picas­so exhib­it, din­ner date, and then the sym­pho­ny) behave your­selves while I’m out.

Morning Linkage (Nov 10)


Adven­ture does not require expen­sive gear, mas­sive bikes, or exot­ic locations.

Some­where between WTF and the most insight­ful por­trait of the motor­cy­clist’s soul ever. A detail from Aki­ra Yam­aguc­chi’s The Nine Aspects. (If any­one can find a pic of the entire paint­ing please let me know.)

This one is a lit­tle bit of a gimme. I know at least two read­ers who will love any Tri­umph Scram­bler I post.


Time lapse pho­tog­ra­phy seems to have fall­en out of favor. Why? Did the won­der of watch­ing plants grown and bloom and die some­how leave the world? It’s a beau­ti­ful plan­et — all the more so because it hous­es some­thing as love­ly as the snake gourd plant or the white egret flower. Plants of Japan. (video with music)

Art, Images, and Design

These “tank totes” are a com­mon sight around here. They are car­ried around in the back of pick­up trucks by folks with less than reli­able water sup­plies. But I did­n’t know they were so cheap. Here’s a good re-use. Sig­nal lamps. Any oth­er ideas?

Ram­shackle hill­side apart­ments with too many win­dows and too few doors? No, not some sort of hell­ish slum. Nina Lind­gren’s mag­i­cal card­board houses.


I have been self­ish­ly keep­ing this one to myself for the last cou­ple of days. Alice Herz-Sommer is some­one who you have to hold in the pri­va­cy of your own heart and con­sid­er qui­et­ly before you can share her.
Trail­er for the doc­u­men­tary Alice: Danc­ing Under the Gal­lows (Video 12:11) More on Alice and the film.

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