Morning Linkage (Apr 6)

Transportation Very pret­ty Norton Commando on a new bike pic blog. I’m not much of  a fan of the chop­per mod­’ed Triumph. But this one is enough to make me recon­sid­er my cafe rac­er prej­u­dices. Girl in white (leathers?) on a fan­cy bike. The hair orna­ment is fab. Looks like a parade should be form­ing up … 

Morning Linkage (Apr 5)

Transportation Coal gas had a brief appear­ance on the stage of alter­nate fuels in the mid ‘teens. Here’s a Campion (British) made bike with it’s gas bag held proud­ly aloft.. The Boeing 787 has flexi-wings. Just how flex­i­ble is demon­strat­ed in this pic­ture. Take the man’s advice. Click for the full effect. There’s a slew of news about … 

Morning Linkage (Apr 1)

As a trib­ute to my first read­ers and in thanks for their con­tin­u­ing sup­port for my efforts and brick­bats when I screw up… The First Anniversary Fools Edition of Morning Linkage From Susan Lenox’s vin­tage German illus­tra­tion stream. 1924, class act of lady and bike. There’s some seri­ous war­bling and wob­bling going on here. Ann-Margret — … 

Morning Linkage (Mar 31)

Transportation Oh sweet baby jee­bus. A 1970 Husky 400 Cross all fet­tled up and ready to go… to the 2010 Baja 500? Mucho gory details on the build-out build-up. (The rest of the site will send cer­tain men I know into nos­tal­gia comas for a week.) KTM’s e‑bike. ——————— Society and Culture All pub­lish­ing eyes are … 

Morning Linkage (Mar 29)

Transportation Awesome. Okay, it’s Photoshop. I don’t care. BTW the orig­i­nal bike pics are shiny too. (Ouch — need shades.) Living here out­side of Seattle, the biggest user of mem­o­ry space in my brain is pot­hole loca­tions. I don’t real­ly dri­ve like a stoned mon­key. I just look like it as I avoid the multitude …