Morning Linkage (May 4)

Transportation Truly bizarre build from a CBR1000F. Top notch fab­ri­ca­tion qual­i­ty, stun­ning­ly ugly design, and it’s orange. Every kids dream — work­ing on the rail­way. Children’s rail­ways in east­ern Europe.  Follow the links for more “I can’t believe I’m too old” envy. Pretty bike — ele­gant, under­stat­ed, and vague­ly sin­is­ter. CB550. Science and Tech Well, sci­ence fiction … 

Morning Linkage (Apr 9)

Transportation A nice over-restoration (I made that word up) of a Honda CBX1000. The head­er pipes are rad. Another CBX, this time in near orig­i­nal con­di­tion. More pics and details on the bike as you slide right in the view­port. ——————– Science Pretty pho­to­graph and expla­na­tion of The Belt of Venus over the Valley of the …