shiny things in messy little piles

Tag: furniture (Page 1 of 2)

Morning Linkage (Feb 2)


The 2 door sta­tion wag­on (or is that 3 doors?) has always been a bit of an odd fish. But Fer­rari thinks that it’s the answer to the demand for a four seat super-car, the FF. And Pin­in­fa­ri­na can make just about any­thing beau­ti­ful. I think 12 cylin­ders is all the jus­ti­fi­ca­tion it needs. With Ferrari-in-the-snow video good­ness Woot!

I’m a total suck­er for Nick Clements videos. Pre­ten­tious as hell and too hip for their own cool. Still… pret­ty scenery, pret­ty bikes, and gor­geous cin­e­matog­ra­phy. Fea­tur­ing Cro Cus­tom’s BS1.  (Video)

Chopcult  pro­vides a fine set of images and info on the BS1 and the builder, Cro Cus­tom’s, site has a cou­ple of oth­er more typ­i­cal­ly chop­per bikes.

Arty inte­ri­or shots fea­tur­ing motor­cy­cles, and the bikes are for rent to use in your own shoots. The care­ful­ly dis­tressed Cross­bones is, well… actu­al­ly, a real­ly appeal­ing piece of rolling sculp­ture. Gen­try Day­ton is cre­ative direc­tor of EvaGentry.

Art, Images, and Design

Ray Cae­sar is one of the many painters cur­rent­ly doing pal­lid, big-headed girls in per­il. Much of a much­ness, except that once in a while he does some­thing that stops me dead. Like the sleigh and courtier in  Home­com­ing. (Par­don the hell­ish URLs — they are shortened ;)

View the full show, A Gen­tle Kind of Cru­el­ty, at Jonathan Levine Gallery’s web­site. (Some NSFW when zoomed)

Elab­o­rate­ly com­posed pho­tographs can go either way for me. Some are just noise, oth­ers like the first two of these from Simon Proc­tor’s Daystar series cap­ti­vate me. The videos cre­at­ed from the stills and oth­er ele­ments I’m very much on the fence about.

I’ve always loved the Burr puz­zles. Now there’s this… Burr tables!

More about the Burr puz­zles. (oh lordy that’s one seri­ous­ly ugly web­site but it’s all I’ve got…)

Moving Images, and Animation

Did you know that there was a Japan­ese ver­sion of the Flint­stones pro­duced in the 1980s? Nope, nei­ther did I. It’s a giggle.

Danc­ing robots… I said, Danc­ing Robots. New ident spots for (UK) Chan­nel 4’s, T4 pro­gram­ming. (Video and loud music)

Morning Linkage (Sep 28)


Six cir­cu­lar saw motors, half a go-cart chas­sis, and a weird sense of humor. I give you the Bolt Light­en­ing dragster.

So many of us like look­ing at bike (and car) pics. Maybe it’s time to add a few of your own? Pipeburn gives you a quick two lessons in bike pho­tog­ra­phy for begin­ners. (Fol­low the links in Part I but only after you’ve put down the cof­fee and maybe had a cou­ple of Advil.)

I love this lit­tle XL250. Even though I should hate it — all the bits are just vague­ly wrong.

I don’t think there’s any bet­ter proof of true love than this 1962 C100 scoot­er restoration.


Tita­ni­um foam as a bone growth matrix. Fas­ci­nat­ing bio-medical appli­ca­tion of mate­ri­als sci­ence with the now oblig­a­tory Wolver­ine reference.

Yay for bio­lu­mi­nes­cence. Yay for comb jel­lies. Yay for Crea­ture­Cast. (Sor­ry about the east coast ori­en­ta­tion — but there’s no good sin­gle site for Puget Sound bio­lu­mi­nes­cent species. — sigh)


Appar­ent­ly the most irre­sistible food on earth is… toast. Um, I already knew that. Some of the oth­er choic­es are pret­ty good too. (The fun is in the comments.)

Art, Images, and Design

Ran­dom pho­tos from the “Good Design Expo”  Some are sil­ly, some are clever, and a num­ber are just plain puz­zling. I like the ele­phant tape dis­penser and the toma­to grow bag.

A tiny bit of street art on a pad­lock. Nice­ly done. (And if you like Seat­tle and good pho­tos you might want to add Seat­tle dai­ly Pho­to to your RSS reader.)

Items for a Tim Bur­ton set design. Exot­ic leather fur­nish­ings that  belong in a some movie described as “tense” and “fraught with sub­text” or maybe just “creepy”. Wan­na start a British men’s club with a bizarre sense of humor.

Oops — inter­we­bz goin’ down in 3… 2…

Morning Linkage (Jul 5)


Mus­cle car mad­ness does­n’t seem to be going away. If you can’t afford the ride of your teenage dreams, maybe this print “Ply­mouth” by Kareem Rizk will make up for it. A little.

What does it mean that the best look­ing cus­tom work on Japan­ese bikes is com­ing out of Europe and the best cus­tom work on Amer­i­can bikes is com­ing out of Japan? Anoth­er great Harley cus­tom, this one from Ace Motor­cy­cles. The details, look at the head­light brack­et, cap­ti­vate me.

A photo-tag Ace Motor­cy­cles on a Japan­ese site. Ace itself has no web­site but one of their fans has put a bunch of pics on his blog fortyt­wo. and trans­lat­ed

Science and Technology

Geo-thermal heat­ing — not just for green build­ing. The first users of geot­her­mal heat­ing may have been dinosaurs look­ing for a way to keep very large eggs at a per­fect, con­stant temperature.

You know how you nev­er have enough bowls for that chili par­ty but the next week­end there’s not enough plates for the BBQ? Some­how own­ing 24 set­tings of din­ner­ware just for the occa­sion­al moment when you need that many soups plates, does­n’t seem prac­ti­cal. And where are you going to keep all that chi­na? What if you had 40 flat discs in a cup­board that could turn into what-ever size and shape of dish you need at the moment?

Bug-eyed. 6 macro pho­tos of insect optics. Cool enough for wall-paper or desk­top. It’s nice to see the species iden­ti­fied on pho­tos like these.

I hate bat­ter­ies. I hate putting bat­ter­ies in my gad­gets. I can’t see the dan­ged lit­tle draw­ings that tell me which end to put in first. But now I don’t have to look. Two bat­ter­ies, in any old way, will get the job done. Did some­one say Microsoft does­n’t do hard­ware well?

Art, Images, Illustration (and Food)

Not the most com­plex recipe I’ve seen on They Draw, They Cook. But one of the sweet­est, most sum­mery so far.

A tree muse­um. Real­ly. Using hard­scape ele­ments to high­light the unique attrib­ut­es of spec­i­men trees. Nice pho­to cat­a­log of orna­men­tal trees as well. Too bad Switzer­land is so far away.

Black wal­nut and weath­ered met­al make an ele­gant if some­what odd­ly con­struct­ed desk. It’s the com­bi­na­tion of the mate­ri­als that attracts me.


It’s a three-day-weekend Mon­day so you have no excuse not to sit down and watch each and every one of the the clips pro­vid­ed in this trib­ute to Ray Har­ry­hausen. The genius behind the sum­mer camp, rainy after­noon, enter­tain­ment of my youth.

Now go away and look at some­thing interesting.

Morning Linkage (May 7)


The Fri­day freaky find. This was spot­ted on eBay and now it lives on pipeburn and per­haps in some­one’s garage. Is it a Nor­ton? A Tri­umph? An ungod­ly mashup? Twin engine goofy­ness.

You know that I love the work of Wrench Mon­kees. So do a lot of oth­er folks and now we’re start­ing to see some very nice builds in the same grit­ty style.

Black and white image of an SS750 engine with­out the side case. This pic is big enough for net­book wall paper. Just sayin’

Society and Culture

Aban­doned places. A Sovi­et mis­sile defense instal­la­tion, even allow­ing for the degra­da­tion of aban­don­ment this must have been a grim place to live and work.

Art, Images, and Design

uhu­ru design in Brook­lyn has brought out a line of fur­ni­ture fea­tur­ing wood tak­en from the Coney Island board­walk. The lounger design is a swoopy delight.

A cou­ple of days ago I men­tioned Lean­dro Caste­lao in a post about rhi­nos. Here’s a look at some more of his work. Robots for T‑shirts.Click around for more goodness.

A sweet Jim Flo­ra illo done for the cov­er of Com­put­er Design some time in the 60s or 70s. Ear­ly geek art!


A dark world and a bright umbrel­la. A well done senior year project from CalArts by philip vose.

week­end ahead, off you go.

Morning Linkage (May 4)


Tru­ly bizarre build from a CBR1000F. Top notch fab­ri­ca­tion qual­i­ty, stun­ning­ly ugly design, and it’s orange.

Every kids dream — work­ing on the rail­way. Chil­dren’s rail­ways in east­ern Europe.  Fol­low the links for more “I can’t believe I’m too old” envy.

Pret­ty bike — ele­gant, under­stat­ed, and vague­ly sin­is­ter. CB550.

Science and Tech

Well, sci­ence fic­tion actu­al­ly. The most awe­some inven­tion yet. WETA legs — A pair of leg exten­sions that allows the wear­er to have “demon” legs. Kim Gra­hams invent­ed these in Seat­tle and is now work­ing on pro­duc­tion mod­els for WETA (the film com­pa­ny) in New Zealand. Tons of video and an exten­sive inter­view. Do Want. but so does every­one else.

Art, Images, and Design

A hand­ful of bird pho­tos — the Win­ners of the pho­to con­test. The pair of Great Blue Herons will knock your socks off.

I’m not sure why you’d want a sin­gle flower appear­ing to grow out of your din­ing room table. But if you did this is a quick inge­nious way to have one.

Ali­son Wright has been pho­tograph­ing Tibet since 1988. The NYT Lens blog brings us 19 of her pic­tures of the nomads. Tra­di­tion­al horse­men are rapid­ly tak­ing to the motor­cy­cle as a means of transportation.


I know you’ll remem­ber the work of Al Jarnow. You may not know his name but if you grew up on Pub­lic tele­vi­sion in the gold­en age you’ve seen his work. Look at this trail­er for the DVD com­pi­la­tion Celes­tial Nav­i­ga­tions.

anoth­er day, anoth­er cup of coffee

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