shiny things in messy little piles

Tag: SR500

Morning Linkage (May 14)


Wretched excess, the new Porsche 911.

Would you leave this under­stat­ed beau­ty behind if you were mov­ing over­seas? I think not.

Look­ing a bit too much like Wolver­ine in squid­ly guise, hold­ing a white chi­na tea cup, and rat­tling on. Road rac­er Guy Mar­tin gives the BBC an inter­view and you get a snick­er. (There’s a love­ly east­er egg in the video. Check the comments.)


Yeah, we put some sharks in our aquar­i­um. We don’t think they’ll eat a whole lot of the exhib­it. Uh huh. Look at what ate the shark. Ignore the ‘scary’ nar­ra­tion, the images aren’t gross, just fas­ci­nat­ing. (homage to schneier)

Tru­ly ran­dom num­bers are the holy grail of cryp­tog­ra­phy. Quan­tum physics may be the answer. Isn’t QP the answer to every­thing? So now there are 42 tru­ly ran­dom num­bers. Maybe — or not. IO9 tries to explain how it works and why it mat­ters. Vio­la­tion of Bell inequal­i­ties… My head hurts.

Art, Images, and Design

These are so sil­ly and so cute. Masaku Hori ‘s lit­tle wait­ing dogs that hold your fruit.

Fab black and white dou­ble por­trait: Joe  Lewis and Josephine Bak­er.

Animation (Sorta)

Rule 34: If you can think of it there is porn of it on the ‘net. Bet­ter than Rule 34: Bat­man porno. Not the Dark Knight bat­man, the late 60’s campy TV ver­sion. Com­plete with cheesy car­toons bal­loons that say Pop and Pow. Stun­ning­ly, this trail­er is SFW.

… and that’s the end your week with the magpie.

Morning Linkage (Apr 29)


A col­lec­tion of SR400 and SR500 videos. These high­ly mod­i­fi­able sin­gles are the start­ing point for tons of cus­toms in Japan. Now in addi­tion a to the work on the bike — it seems that you have to make a rid­ing video. Kick start bike, cruise the neigh­bor­hood, hit the under­pass, have your bud­dy take lots of shaky close­ups of your pants pock­ets :-D But you real­ly want to spend time with the SR500 built by trouthunter. It’s the nicest build doc­u­men­tary I’ve seen. (Video #4 — Music)

Amir Glinik draws CGI bikes that you can hear rum­bling in your brows­er. Swear to God.  This ‘45 Harley can be had in either red or white. Luscious.

The fel­lows at Jamesville (that’d be James) have moved a lit­tle out of the cus­tom bike field to work on a 1936 Ford Coupe. Maybe I read too many R. Crumb car­toons as teenag­er but these always give the gig­gles. It’s a beau­ti­ful job.


Very nifty opti­cal illu­sion. You’ll see a spi­ral but it’s not there. I’m not sure how it’s done, some­thing about the background.
There are a ton more exam­ples here. and some explanations.

Art, Images, and Design

Insects and dew. Macro pho­tos of the bejew­eled denizens of a world we over­look every morning.

I’m not sure where to go with these, a mutant bio­log­i­cal dystopia. Line and sim­ple col­ors cre­ate charm­ing night­mares. (Fer­nan­do Hereñú (AKA Pulpo)

Sim­i­lar­ly, not-quite human char­ac­ters but full of whim­sy and bright col­ors. Hap­py robots liv­ing in a hap­py world drawn by lit­tle kong.

keep calm and car­ry on…