shiny things in messy little piles

Tag: CB550

Random Linkage (July 27)

A real­ly love­ly lit­tle side­car rig. Hon­da CB550. The rebuild is appro­pri­ate for the era and the paint is so sweet.

very nice sidecar

lit­tle CB550 makes a great tug for this lit­tle chair

via: Bike­EXIF

A look inside the mind of builder Dustin Kott. Cafe Rac­ers from vin­tage Japan­ese bikes. By Bene­dict Campbell.

via: Return of the Cafe Racers



From Emi­ly Car­rol who does dream­like comics and sto­ries. a tale of sil­very hair and a cov­etous crow. Anu-Anulan and Yir’s Daugh­ter.

Anu-anuland and Yir's Daughter

Anu-Anulan and Yir’s Daughter



Cut paper, pop-up books, and pro­ject­ed lights & images, bring Ice Book to chill­ing life. This video gives you an idea of what the piece looks like in per­son and how it is cre­at­ed. Davy and Kristin McGuire.


via: Coil­house

Morning Linkage (Oct 21)


Except for the choice of blue hoses, I can see this charm­ing CB550 being a some­one’s pride and joy in the ear­ly 80’s.

Love the paint. CB450. Yeah, anoth­er one.

1970 Japan. You do not want to see this police mod­el CB750 in your mir­rors. Orig­i­nal in Japan­ese (more pix)

(Bonus Trans­porta­tion Ani­ma­tion) REDLINE. Nope, it’s not mak­ing the lists of Christ­mas sea­son block busters. But we might get a look at Takeshi Koike’s rac­ing epic (with sub­ti­tles) in the Spring. Wicked cool, intra-galactic rac­ing. (Video — loud, vio­lent and full of aliens — oh and racing)


I should be much more hyped about the deep eco­log­i­cal impli­ca­tions of the work of Lucy and Jorge Orta, but real­ly I just want to watch the but­ter­flies. (Video with voice over. 1:40) More details on the multi-media instal­la­tion “Ama­zo­nia” at the Nat­ur­al His­to­ry Museum

Art, Images, and Design

If you need a lit­tle some­thing eldritch for your Hal­loween par­ty invites you could do no bet­ter than to con­sid­er one of Sid­ney Sime’s fine ghosties and ghoulies.

More grue­some images for late Octo­ber. The Wal­ter Pot­ter col­lec­tion has been (par­tial­ly) reassem­bled. “A fine exam­ple of Vic­to­ri­an whim­sy.” If your taste in whim­sy runs to stuffed squir­rels.

Pen and water­col­or. A lit­tle reminder to all those who don’t live here in Puge­topo­lis why we love it. Crisp, sun­ny, morn­ing in the ID.


Doomed, A bio­log­i­cal car­toon by Guiller­mo Gar­cia Car­si. Invert­ed hedge­hogs, coral par­rots, strange song­birds, and cube fish.  Click on the word Doomed to start the pre­view. Snork. (Video with voice-over. 1:07 — Flash)

Morning Linkage (Aug 18)

- the messed up glass­es edition -


First thing in the feed read­er this morn­ing was this beau­ty. I almost stopped there and called it a day. CB550, build direct­ed by Jeff Stephens.

Art, Images, and Design

A few brief com­ments on the book design of the sem­i­nal Design for the Real World. Aside from the funky 70’s cov­er, it might be time to revis­it this classic.

Chris­t­ian Trib­a­s­tone hung 6 of his sketch­es of Jamestown, NY on or near the places he had drawn. Excel­lent images in black and white on brown paper. He won­ders what will hap­pen to the draw­ings he left behind, so do I.

Sweet new print from Casey Roberts. Hap­pi­ness.

that’s all I can see for now.

Morning Linkage (May 4)


Tru­ly bizarre build from a CBR1000F. Top notch fab­ri­ca­tion qual­i­ty, stun­ning­ly ugly design, and it’s orange.

Every kids dream — work­ing on the rail­way. Chil­dren’s rail­ways in east­ern Europe.  Fol­low the links for more “I can’t believe I’m too old” envy.

Pret­ty bike — ele­gant, under­stat­ed, and vague­ly sin­is­ter. CB550.

Science and Tech

Well, sci­ence fic­tion actu­al­ly. The most awe­some inven­tion yet. WETA legs — A pair of leg exten­sions that allows the wear­er to have “demon” legs. Kim Gra­hams invent­ed these in Seat­tle and is now work­ing on pro­duc­tion mod­els for WETA (the film com­pa­ny) in New Zealand. Tons of video and an exten­sive inter­view. Do Want. but so does every­one else.

Art, Images, and Design

A hand­ful of bird pho­tos — the Win­ners of the pho­to con­test. The pair of Great Blue Herons will knock your socks off.

I’m not sure why you’d want a sin­gle flower appear­ing to grow out of your din­ing room table. But if you did this is a quick inge­nious way to have one.

Ali­son Wright has been pho­tograph­ing Tibet since 1988. The NYT Lens blog brings us 19 of her pic­tures of the nomads. Tra­di­tion­al horse­men are rapid­ly tak­ing to the motor­cy­cle as a means of transportation.


I know you’ll remem­ber the work of Al Jarnow. You may not know his name but if you grew up on Pub­lic tele­vi­sion in the gold­en age you’ve seen his work. Look at this trail­er for the DVD com­pi­la­tion Celes­tial Nav­i­ga­tions.

anoth­er day, anoth­er cup of coffee