Morning Linkage (May 7)

Transportation The Friday freaky find. This was spot­ted on eBay and now it lives on pipeburn and per­haps in some­one’s garage. Is it a Norton? A Triumph? An ungod­ly mashup? Twin engine goofy­ness. You know that I love the work of Wrench Monkees. So do a lot of oth­er folks and now we’re start­ing to … 

Morning Linkage (May 5)

Transportation If you sim­ply *must*have a Ducati… No, no, please don’t hit me. I only find them and bring them to you. I don’t actu­al­ly cre­ate them. Eastern Europe is turn­ing out a lot of tal­ent­ed visu­al artists and a cou­ple of odd-ball bike cus­tomiz­ers. Everyone has seen Yuri Shif’s tri-color Monster the DUster, but this …