Only two links. Beauty in writing systems and fireworks in a cartoon.
Author Archives: lara
Administrivia — Jun 19
Shiny has moved house and hopefully none of you noticed. Between the charming and helpful folks at my host Lunarpages, and the I‑will-never-do-without-it-again WordPress plug-in Automatic WP Backup, the entire process took less than 2 hours. Now that Shiny is happily ensconced in her new efficiency flat look for the work to begin at the big …
Morning Linkage (Jun 16)
Sexy silhouette — you’ll have to wait for the car, 400 mhp on an electric bike, Beverly Shear, German silver, butterflies, Argentina celebrates, fabulous photo from Wilmerding.
Morning Linkage (Jun 15)
Smart car — stupid truck, race transporters of a more elegant era, William GBibson helps you choose your summer reading, villains and riders — how can that fail, landscapes and street scenes, Nosferatu Over The Cuckoo’s Nest.
Morning Linkage (Jun 14)
A couple of bike (and car) swap meets, moving traffic from China to Hong Kong, crime as terrain, A Castle on the Ocean, take a flight through Oz, Clark Little underwater, and yeah — I couldn’t resist, the Lego plotter/printer.