Morning Linkage (Jul 30)

Velorex, CB360T, if Picasso built cars, Determinism or free will, Huxely or Orwell, essays to read, Empire Marketing Board posters love­ly mid-Deco, crow on a wall, card­board mon­ster arms, The Lost Thing (fri­day animation)

Morning Linkage (Jul 8)

Vintage bikes under Paris, Station wag­ons — some are cool, crypto­forestry, giant crab sheds it’s shell, Play Me I’m Yours, Peskimo does munchins for Mozilla, Ellis Nadler’s Cards of Wu will make the lit­tle hairs on your neck stand up, Hobbit in Russian.

Morning Linkage (Feb 24)

Transportation Yesterday it was bum­ble­bee fairy tales. This morn­ing it’s a bum­ble­bee hacked hack. Ural. Citroen engine. Really. Aprilia’s print ads have a dis­tinct fla­vor about them, no mat­ter which part of the line up they are show­ing you. (NSFW butt cheeks) Enclosed motor­cy­cle park­ing con­tain­er. Would you pay to be able to lock up …