Morning Linkage (Feb 4) Friday

COncept Moto Guzzi, cafe rac­er from the ground up APrilla RSFV motor. The solar sail unfurls, and IBM helps us visu­al­ize the pow­er of 10. Glory and gory of rela­tion­ships on the walls of Philly, works on met­al, dou­ble expo­sures. The Holst sis­ters tap dance for us and a Japanese music video gets the week­end all start­ed up.

Morning Linkage (Oct 20)

Transportation Featured in the most recent issue of Italian Motor Magazine (which looks like a very worth­while off-line effort.) John W’s Mk 2 Le Man’s based Guzzi cafe rac­er is one of the finest cus­toms that I’ve seen. Fine enough to over­come my dis­like of the all knees and elbows look of the MG engine. … 

Morning Linkage (Sep 3)

Budde’s Moto Guzzis, scraper bikes, a pulse jet with lots of chrome. Looking at the oceans from space and the his­to­ry of man on earth with graph­ics. Packing up art, mak­ing pic­tures in fast for­ward, a last image of sum­mer, and Dad does­n’t han­dle play­ground duties well at all. 

Morning Linkage (Aug 26)

Unfinished Merlin, Passport bob­ber, per­fect din­ner com­pan­ion — Moto Guzzi Airone. Data geek­ing — Dr. Who, soda pop, organ­ic brands. Alice Feagan cel­e­brates taco trucks and sum­mer at the lake. A sweet tooth and a vis­it to the gui­tar store.