Morning Linkage (Sep 1)

Harley-Davidson goes after a younger demo­graph­ic, a pret­ty girl on an antique French bike, Steadman does Thompson on a Ducati, boss GSX1100. Voting the nice guy off the island. The Dream Machine, a good game. Flying cars will save us all? Contraband, let­ter­press, and sur­re­al cat-head gods.

Morning Linkage (Aug 4)

Moto Guzzi — per­fect details, two Triumphs, girls on bikes, boys on bikes, sum­mer drinks, anti-lasers, big art on the earth , lit­tle art on the water, under­sea worlds in pas­tels, a per­fect beach photo

Morning Linkage (Jun 15)

Smart car — stu­pid truck, race trans­porters of a more ele­gant era, William GBibson helps you choose your sum­mer read­ing, vil­lains and rid­ers — how can that fail, land­scapes and street scenes, Nosferatu Over The Cuckoo’s Nest.

Morning Linkage (Mar 10)

Transportation Plywood pad­dler for the junior set. Funny how much the logo looks like Harley Davidson from a dis­tance. Cute though. 1923 BMW fac­to­ry floor. Lots more vin­tage in the Vintage Motorbikes Flickr pool but beware of bad cap­tions, and wild ass guess­es as to makes and mod­els. Scroll down once for hot girl in …