I am taken by the smart simplicity of the headlamp bracket and the matte black on the header pipes. Moto Guzzi.
Hell for Leather stops just short of accurately describing this latest promo video from Triumph. Listen to the voice over without watching the video. He’s not talking about a bike…
As penance for the previous content-free link, I bring you… Drags and Racing’s all dark Triumph Bonneville. I sat on a Bonneville last weekend… It fits. Drags and Racing website — in Italian,. NSFW nudity.
Girls on bikes. A little sweet for some of you but I’m charmed and it is a Laverda.
Boys on bikes. Same look and feel but a boy and a Honda.
If lasers create light in carefully controlled wavelengths what would an anti-laser do? Absorb light in carefully controlled wavelengths. Okay, I’m not smart enough to have come up with that but someone has. And now that the idea has been described there’s a race on to build one and to figure out what it’s useful for.
Words and Food
Working Wordsmith Alert. New CMoS. Sneak a peak at some of the shiny new rules and learn which of your old favorites they took out back and shot. (Chicago Manual of Style)
Nora Maynard discusses her top picks from the field of new drinkables offered at Tales of the Cocktail. I’m thinking that I’ll have to hunt down a bottle of the Cocchi Americano before summer ends.
Art, Images, and Design
- the dreamy summer edition
These are Jim Denevan’s tools. These are his images.
The children’s book illustrations of Igor Oleynokov. Fluid pastel worlds. The seascapes are especially enchanting.
Have I told you about Pooh Sticks? Maybe not. But that’s for another day, when there’s a weak autumn sun and nothing much to regret. Meanwhile here’s a summer version of playing with bits of wood and water. Little Drifters. Lenny makes other things out of flotsam and jetsam as well.
Beach scene, black and white perfection. (Mildly NSFW)